Finding Love Again Read online

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  "Of course it does."

  "I have to admit I was a little surprised that you have a tattoo."

  "Why you think the rich lawyer is not suppose to have one?"

  "Well frankly yes. When did you get it?"

  Hunter chuckled thinking how his mother reacted when she had found out he went and got a tattoo.

  "What is so funny?"

  "Oh I was thinking about when my family especially my mother reacted when they found out I had a tattoo."

  "What happen?"

  "I was a senior in high school and you have to realize that boys who go to an elite private school do not get tattoos. My mother threaten to have it removed. When I told her I would just get another one when I went off to college, I thought that she was going to take to her bed."

  Chantelle started laughing. "I do not know your mother, but I can image. Why did you get it?"

  "I was in Italy at the time and a group of us decided we wanted to have a rite of passage, so we decided to get tattoos."

  "I take it this is written in Italian. What does it say?"

  "It says Finchè c'è vita c'è speranza."

  "What does that mean?"

  "Where there is life, there is hope."

  Chantelle thought that was the most beautiful things she had ever heard. "That is beautiful. Is that your manta?

  "Yes it is."

  Chantelle could not even if she tried to stop the tear that ran down her cheek.

  "Babe what is wrong."

  "Where were you five years ago?"

  Hunter knew what she was referring to. "We all have our crosses to bear. Yours made you stronger as you mentioned that is what your tattoo represents. It was not time for us to meet until now."

  "What am I going to do with you?"

  "Date me and see where this leads to give us a chance Chantelle that is all I ask."

  "Really that is all?"

  "We can take this one day at a time."

  "Okay let us see where this goes, and one day at a time. I cannot make any promises."

  "As long as you give us a chance."

  Chantelle did not know where this was going to lead, but she knew that she was going to have her guard up. The last thing she was going to do again is open her heart up to love again. Losing her husband was the hardest thing that she went through. Prior to what her tattoo represents she could not take another broken heart. The sex was good with Hunter, and as long as she did not grow any attachments to him everything will be all right she hoped.

  Chapter 11


  "Michael hurry up Hunter will be here any minute and you are still sitting there eating your cereal." Chantelle just shook her head. When her husband first died, everyone kept telling her that things would get better and that she still had her husband because of Michael. When she looked at him, she saw her husband. He had the same light green eyes as his dad, and some of his facial features. His hair was brown almost black and if she let it grow out it was curly. She kept his hair short in a military style. Michael was a great kid, but she also knew that he was missing out on all of the father and son things to do. He was also beginning to take on some of his personality. It amazed her how much they were alike even thought Michael did not really remember his father. The doctor said that was going to happen since he was only four when it happened. He was picking up a habit that she wished he did not and that was always being late and not being able to get up in the morning. Her husband was not a morning person and neither is Michael. The child was sitting there suppose to be eating, but he was playing with his Nintendo DS game system. Chantelle knew how to make him move faster. She went over there and asked for the game system. "Let me have it."

  "What are you talking about?"

  This was when he would play innocent. "The game system Michael hand it over."


  "I believe that you will eat faster if you do not have the system." She knew what was coming next the begging.

  "I promise to eat."

  There it was the promise, but Chantelle was not giving in. "No give me the system."

  "Can I have it back after I eat?"

  "We will see, now hand it over, and eat."

  Michael reluctantly handed over his game system and started eating.

  "Mom what is the name of your friend again?"

  "His name is Hunter."

  "When will he be over?"

  "He will be here any minute."

  "Why all of the questions?"

  "I just wanted to know. Besides I need to know if he is good enough for you."

  Chantelle looked at her son.

  "What, I have to make sure."

  Chantelle went over to her son and gave him a hug. "I want you to know that no matter what happens you come first, and that no one can take the place of your dad."

  "I know that mom. I just want you to be happy. You do not smile enough."

  Chantelle wanted to cry. Her little boy was trying to make sure his mother was happy again. She thought that she was doing a good job hiding her sadness from him. She was going to have to do a better job. "Michael you do not have to worry. I am happy. You know why"


  "Because you make me happy, and that is all that matters." She gave her son a big hug and a kiss. Now finish your breakfast." Just then, the doorbell ranged. All of a sudden, Chantelle was nervous about the two men in her life meeting. Suppose Hunter did not know how to act around Michael. That was silly the man was an uncle. The doorbell ranged again, which bought Chantelle back to reality.

  "Mom are you going to answer the door?"

  "Yes I am." Chantelle walled over and opened the door she did not think that it was possible. Every time she saw Hunter, he seemed to get better looking each time. Chantelle knew that you should not judge a person on their outside appearance, but any straight woman could not help but notice this man. Matter of fact Chantelle was willing to bet that even a lesbian would find him good looking. Hunter bent down and gave her a kiss.

  "Good morning beautiful."

  "Good morning Hunter." She was noticing how he was dressed. The man had on a toboggan that had his Alma Marta Harvard on it. He went to take off his jacket she noticed that it was Prada parka jacket. He also had a pair of Prada faded jeans that hung low on his waist, and made him look sexy as hell. She even noticed his shoes were Prada. The whole outfit probably cost more than a person's mortgage. "That is a nice outfit you are sporting there."

  Hunter could tell that she was being sarcastic. "Is this your way of telling me that there is something wrong with my outfit."

  "No there is nothing wrong with the outfit. I think that it looks good on you. Me personally I would be scared to wear it. I would be afraid that I would get something on it and ruin it. I am sure that you would just buy another outfit that probably cost more."

  "Oh there it is. You think that I spend too much money on clothes."

  "Hey it is your money. I mean that outfit could probably pay a couple of mortgages."

  "Babe I do not flaunt my money, but I do not try to hide it either. If you were my wife, I would buy you expensive things. Not because I want people to know that I have money, but to say that I love you and because I want to spoil you."

  "You would only do that if we were married."

  "Well also when we get to know one another in this relationship."

  "Hunter I do not need material things. I am happy with what I have. Now come here and meet my son."

  Hunter knew that she was changing the subject because she did not like the way the conversation was going. He had to remind himself that he needed to take it slow with this woman.

  Chantelle was leading him into the kitchen, and sitting at the table was a very handsome boy. He could see some of Chantelle's features in him.

  "Michael I would like to introduce you to Hunter Jameson. This is my son Michael." Michael stood and held his hand out for Hunter to shake.

  "Well hello Michael I have heard a lot about you. I
cannot wait to see you play today."

  "It is nice meeting you also. Mom I am going to get my things how long before we leave."

  "We have about thirty minutes before we have to leave."

  "I am going to go to my room."

  Michael held out his hand to shake Hunter's again. "It was nice to finally meet you, and I am glad that you are coming to my game."

  "It was nice meeting you also."

  "Michael here."

  Michael turned around to see what his mother wanted. She was handing him his game system. He smiled and went to hug his mother. "Thank-you." Michael headed upstairs happy to have his game back.

  "You have a very handsome son."


  "I see some of you in him."

  "Trust me when I say that he is more like his dad. I know that you never met him, but my son is getting to be a carbon copy of his father. He even looks like him."

  Hunter could tell that Michael was her pride and joy. Hunter liked children. He loved his niece and nephew. Sometimes they would come over to his house and spend the weekend. His mother could not understand if he loved children so much why was he so adamant on dating older women. Hunter did not have to share DNA with a child for him to claim them as his. If he got involved with a woman who had children, he would think of her children as his. The way his feelings for Chantelle were growing, he knew that it was time for him to meet her son. "He seems like a great kid."

  "He is. Would you like some breakfast?"

  "No I ate before I came over, but I would like a proper greeting from my girlfriend."

  "Is that what we are?"

  Hunter raised his brow. "How else would you classify our relationship?"

  "Just two people who are dating." Chantelle carried Michael's dirty dishes into the kitchen with Hunter right on her heals.

  "I beg to differ I see our relationship as more than casual dating. Do you ever think what kind of future we could have?"

  "No but I can see that you have. I thought that we agreed to take this slow, and here you are after a couple of weeks of dating talking about a future."

  The last thing Hunter wanted to do is scare Chantelle off. They were making progress, and he did not want to have to start over with her. He could tell that Chantelle was getting upset, and he needed to take control of the situation before it got out of hand. He came up behind her and put his arms around her. "Babe I just asked if you ever thought about it. I know that we are in the beginning stages of our relationship. Let us just continue down this path and see where it leads to."

  "We can do that, but I have a feeling that you already know where you want this path to lead.


  Chantelle thought that this had to be the coldest game she had gone to so far since her son starting playing soccer. Even though she had on her sweatshirt and thick jacket, gloves and a hat, she was still cold. Hunter could tell that she was cold, and came up behind her and put his arms around her. Chantelle was startled at first. Hunter bent down closer to her ear and spoke to her in the most sexiest voice she had ever heard. "Warm enough now?"

  Chantelle only nodded. It seemed to Chantelle after they had made love that first time Hunter was ready to further their relationship on. He was not satisfied with only seeing her on the weekends. He wanted to see her as often as their schedules allowed. It did not matter that they worked in the same office. There were days that Hunter was in court all day, and they did not get a chance to have lunch together. Hunter was trying his best to change the status of their relationship. Chantelle heard Miles asking her a question, which made her stop thinking about her and Hunter's budding relationship. "I am sorry Miles I was thinking about something else what did you say?"

  Miles looked at his friend and knew exactly what she was thinking. Miles bent down so only Chantelle could here. "I bet you were thinking about something else. If I had a gorgeous hunk like Hunter holding me I would have my mind somewhere else."

  Hunter still found it hard to believe that Miles was gay. Chantelle had told them one night when they were having dinner when she had mentioned that she was having lunch with Miles. Hunter had asked if they could have lunch and when she told him that she was meeting Miles he became jealous. That was when she told him that he had nothing to worry about with Miles because he was gay. If anyone should be worried, it should be Chantelle. Miles has a boyfriend and they are true to one another, but that did not stop her friend from always saying how handsome Hunter is.

  "I said that my godson is playing better this year. He may not have made any goals, but he is doing some serious blocking."

  "Remember I put him in the soccer camp last summer it really helped him to improved."

  "Will you put him in it this year?"

  "If he wants to, I am not going to force him."

  "I think that is a good idea."

  Just then, the whistled blew and the game was over with. "Chantelle, Miles, and I are going to take Mike to lunch then home."

  "Aaliyah you do not have to do that. Besides I was thinking about taking him to the movies."

  Then Hunter made a suggestion. "I was thinking that we could take Michael to the movies tomorrow."

  "You mean the two of us?"

  "Yes. I mean how else am I going to get to know your son if we do not spend any time together."

  "I do not know Hunter."

  "I think that it is a good idea. He is going to have to get use to me sometime because I have no plans of going anywhere."

  Chantelle could tell that Hunter was serious especially the last remark he made.

  "I think that is a good idea Chantelle. That way if Miles and I take him today you and Hunter can spend the day together. Plus you do not have to worry about coming home anytime soon."

  Miles leaned forward and whispered to her. "Do not forget protection."

  Chantelle punched Miles in the chest, but all he did was laugh at her. She was getting ready to give him a piece of her mind when she saw Michael coming towards her. It still amazed her how her son was looking more and more like his father.

  "Mom did you see that pass I made and we were able to make a goal."

  "Yes I did you played well today."

  "I am hungry now where are we going for lunch."

  "Hey buddy Aaliyah and I are going to take you to lunch and then go where ever you want to go today."

  Michael looked at his mother and then at the man his mother was seeing. "Oh I get it my mom and Mr. Jameson want to be alone."

  Miles started laughing and Chantelle was embarrassed. "No Mike that is not so." At the same time, Hunter started talking to him.

  "As a matter of fact you are right, but I was thinking that tomorrow the three of us could go see a movie."

  Before Chantelle could say, anything Michael was nodding in agreement. "That would be awesome, but can we go to the theatre with the bowling alley."

  "Sure where ever you want to go."

  "Okay tomorrow." Michael went and shook Hunter's hand and told him bye. He went over, gave his mother a hug, and left with Miles and Aaliyah.

  "Well beautiful it would seem that we have the day to ourselves. I was thinking we could have lunch at my place." Hunter could tell that Chantelle looked a little stunned. "What is it babe?"

  "You seem to have a way with children."

  "I do have a niece and a nephew. I know how to act around children."

  "Then why not have some of your own."

  They had talked about this before. "Maybe I will maybe I will not, but one thing is for sure the child does not have to have my DNA for me to raise and claim as mine."

  Chantelle knew what Hunter was trying to say. If there relationship went to the level of marriage, he would think of her son as his own.

  "Now come on babe I am hungry."

  "I am getting hungry myself.


  To Chantelle's surprised lunch was already set up when they arrived at Hunter's place. She assumed the maid had made lunch, but she was not
present. Hunter had a staff, but to Chantelle it looked as if he had given them the day off. She looked at the spread of food that was on the table. It looked like a picnic for at least six people. She hoped that he did not think that the two of them were going to eat all of this food in one sitting. "That is an awful lot of food for two people. You plan on having left over's for the rest of the week?"

  Hunter put his arms around Chantelle and started kissing her neck.

  "Hunter I asked a question."

  He lifted his head and looked at her. "Something like that babe."

  "Where is your staff?"

  "They have the weekend off."

  "Who set this up?" Pointing at the food on the table.

  "Before they left, it was set up. I assure you it has not been sitting out here all morning. They just recently left."

  "You were pretty sure that I was going to come over for lunch."

  Without hesitation, Hunter gave her a very confident yes.

  "Sometimes your arrogance is going to fail you, and you are not going to get what you want."