Finding Love Again Read online

Page 5

  "You may be right, but he probably will not want to have anything to do with me after the way I acted at lunch."

  "What did you do?"

  "I practically walked out on him. I know that he thinks that I am an idiot."

  "Well he probably is wondering what is going on, but the only way you are going to know what he is thinking is to talk to him. Look why not let me take you home than you can take a nice bubble bath, and think about all that I have said. Then tomorrow when you both have had time to think the two of you can talk."

  Chantelle got out of her seat, went over to Miles, and gave him a hug. "Why is it you always know what to say to me to make me feel better."

  "I know the right thing to say baby girl because I know you. I want you to be happy. You and my godson. Speaking of Mike I wanted to take him for the weekend. Drake is out of town, and I thought that I would take him to the gym he liked it the last time I took him."

  "He would love that."

  "Besides it will give you and your man some time alone this weekend."

  "You are impossible. Hunter may not want to see me after what I did today."

  "I have a feeling he will. Now come on let me take you home."

  "I do not want to take you away from your work."

  "That is the great part of being your own boss you can leave when you want. Come on let me take you home."

  Chantelle stopped before Miles opened the door. "Miles thank-you for the advice."

  "Anytime I just want you to be happy."

  Sometimes Chantelle wondered if she could ever be happy again.


  When Miles pulled up in front of Chantelle's, house the first thing she noticed that there was a black Mercedes parked in front of her house, but the driver was missing. She knew that Mercedes, and she knew that the driver of that car was going to want to talk. She was just going to have to put her big girl panties on and face him. Maybe she could convince Miles to stay. "What is the matter?"

  "That is Hunter's car. Since he is not in his car that means he is inside. You are going to come inside with me?"

  "Oh I would not miss this for anything. Besides I want to meet Hunter Jameson."

  "Remember he is not your type."

  "You do not have to worry I do not want your man I have my own." Chantelle rolled her eyes at Miles comment.

  "You are too much."

  "I know, but you still love me. Come on I want to meet Mr. Jameson."

  When Chantelle unlocked her door, she say Hunter sitting in the living room with Aaliyah. Hunter looked up, saw her, and raised his brow at her. If she did not know any better, she thought that he looked angry. Aaliyah turned around and saw Chantelle and Miles together. "There you are I was beginning to get worried, but since I see you are with Miles I can see that I was worrying for nothing."

  "Nice to see you again Aaliyah."

  "Miles you know I did not mean it that way." She went over to him and gave him a hug. "Long time how have you been."

  "I have been great, and you."

  "Life is great. I am sure Chantelle has told you about our new assignment. Matter of fact this is one-half of our client. Hunter Jameson I would like for you to meet Miles Baker."

  Hunter shook Miles hand. He was more interested in why Chantelle was with him. The fact that she ran away was bad enough, but for her to run to another man had him seeing red. The fact that she was with a black man did nothing for his temper either. "How do you and Chantelle know one another?"

  The whole time he was asking the question he was looking at Chantelle. She was not mistaken he was angry. She also realized that he was also jealous of Miles being with her.

  "We meet in the Army." Hunter than looked at Miles as if he was shocked that he was in the Army.

  "Oh you were in the Army also. Were you over in Iraq or Afghanistan together?"

  "We were in Iraq together. By the time Chantelle went to Afghanistan I was already out."

  Chantelle could tell there was a lot of tension in the air with Hunter so she decided to change the subject. "I think that I will go and pick Michael up from school."

  Hunter raised his brow at Chantelle. Like hell you are, there is no way I am going to let you run away from me again.

  "Oh no let me I have not seen my god son in awhile. I can take him home with me, and he can spend the night with me."

  "Miles it is a school night."

  "I know I will help him with his homework. Aaliyah come upstairs with me and pack some clothes for Mike. Besides, it will give me practice in case I decide to have my own."

  Miles and Aaliyah went upstairs leaving Chantelle and Hunter alone. She knew that was Miles way of giving her a chance to explain herself. When she looked back at Hunter, Chantelle could tell that he was mad, and she did not forget the jealously she detected earlier but why the jealously. "Well that was nice of Miles to go and pick Michael up from school for me."

  "Yes he is such a nice and upstanding gentleman."

  If she thought that, she had read the situation wrong before, she did not have any doubts after the comment Hunter just made. Hunter had made the remark with an attitude. Should she find out what is wrong, or let it go. She decided that her curiosity got the better of her. "What is with the attitude?"

  Hunter looked at Chantelle as if she had to be kidding. "One minute we were sitting down getting ready to have lunch and the next thing I know you are practically running out of the restaurant. Then I come to your place to wait for you so we can discuss what happen and instead you come home with a Denzel Washington wannabe. How do you expect me to feel? You go on and on telling me that you do not date white guys. However, you decided to give our relationship a try, but the first chance you get you run from me as fast as you can. Then you come home with Miles. That is my problem."

  "You are jealous of Miles?

  "Hell yea I do not share Chantelle." It was then that he grabbed her and kissed her. It was not a passionate kiss, but one of possessiveness. He wanted to remind her that she was with him not Miles or any other man. She was his and he planned on making sure she knew that. Chantelle was slowly responding to him by placing her arms around his neck. Hunter pulled away from her lips and started raining kisses down her neck. "I want you."

  "Hunter." Before she could say anything else, he started kissing her again. Chantelle could tell that protesting was not going to stop Hunter he seemed to be on a mission. Chantelle had to stop this before it went too far. She pushed at him until she managed to get out of his grip. She did not know how much longer she could resist Hunter. "Hunter we need to slow down."

  "Sorry babe, it is too late for that."

  "Look I am sorry that you are having a problem with Miles, but I have known Miles for a long time and I have no intention of ending my relationship with Miles. Now if you do not mind I think that you should go. I have a lot of work that I need to get done."

  She was walking away from him going upstairs which he assumed was her bedroom. Before she could get in her room good, Hunter grabbed her, carried her into her bedroom, and closed the door. "Not this time sweetheart I am not going to let you run away from me this time."

  "Put me down you arrogant ass."

  Hunter smiled at her and dropped her on the bed. Before she could sit up, he was laying on top of her. "There I put you down."

  "Get off of me."

  "No I met what I said I have no intention of letting you run from me. There is something between us. From the first moment I met you, I knew that I was attractive to you. I also know that you feel something for me, and I intend to see where this could go. You agreed to it, and I plan on making you keep your word."

  "Get off of me."



  "What are you afraid of? The fact that I stated that I am falling for you, or the fact you have feelings for me."

  Chantelle was proud of herself for keeping the shock off of her face when Hunter had stated exactly how she felt. She looked directly into Hunter's s
exy green eyes and told a lie. "I do not know what you are talking about. I am not afraid of you or anything else."

  Hunter was getting pissed, but he was not going to let Chantelle see how much what she just said got to him. He was determined to make her see that there could be something wonderful between them. If she wanted to play tough guy, he was determined to see how far she planned on taking this. "Good I am glad that I do not make you nervous." He lowered his head to kiss her. This time the kiss was passionate. It turned into a dueling of the tongues, and Hunter was winning the battle and the war. He started raining kisses down her neck.

  "Hunter please."

  "Oh I aim to please you. I want you Chantelle. I want you bad." Hunter had already taken his jacket and tie off he was now in the process of taking his shirt off. Chantelle could not help but gasp when she saw Hunter with his shirt off. The man had a body that should be on the cover of a men's fitness magazine. She also noticed that he had a couple of tattoos. What she could not figure out was what he saw in her. "You have on to many clothes we need to do something about this and quickly."

  "Hunter we need to slow down."

  "Babe you and I both know that neither one of us wants to do that."

  She did not know how she managed to get away from him, but she rolled off of the bed and stood in front of him. "Hunter we really need to slow down. We need to talk."

  Was she kidding talking was the last thing that was on his mind. He slowly rose from the bed and walked to her until he was in front of her. "The last thing that I want to do is talk."

  Chantelle tried to walk towards the door, but she was not quick enough Hunter had her trapped in his arms. He started kissing her neck and before she knew it he had her blouse unbuttoned and off. When he started kissing her shoulder, he noticed the tattoo and the one on her lower back. He would have to ask her about them later. As quickly as he removed her top, he was just as quick with her skirt. He lifted her up into his arms and once again carried her to her king size bed. He was glad she had a king size bed, but for the life of him he could not figure out why such a small woman needed so much bed. He started kissing her again raining kisses all over her. When he came to her flat stomach, which was not just flat the woman had a six-pack that some men would kill to have. He also noticed that she had a pierced belly button. It looked to be a lion dangling from a diamond. It was sexy as hell, but this woman was sexy anyway. He took the time to kiss her there and moved to his destination. Even though she was still wearing her red silky underwear, he was glad that they were thongs. He started kissing her well-toned thighs and slowly moved to her sex and started playing with her clit. He placed to digits in the warmth of her sex and found her dripping wet. He had to taste her. When he did, he thought that Chantelle was going to come off of the bed. He had to place a hand on her to settle her down. "Easy babe."

  "It has been a long time for me I think that I have forgotten what to do."

  "Do not worry it is like riding a bike once you start you will remember what to do? Besides I am going to be right here to tutor you." He placed three digits inside her and noticed how tight she was. He remembered her saying that it had been five years. He was going to have to remember to take it slow with her. He would do whatever it took to make sure she was comfortable in this relationship. From the reactions, he was getting from her he would say that his little student was catching on quick. As his fingers were inside of her, she started riding his hand. He wanted to make her come. He needed to hear her scream his name. He could feel her getting close. He went down to taste her again and pinched her clit. "Come for me baby." That was all she needed to hear before her body gave in and she started screaming his name. It was music to her ears. It took her a few minutes to come down from her high, but Hunter was not giving her much time to recover. He had his pants and boxers off before she could open her eyes. He started kissing her again, and they were having a dueling of the tongues again. Not only could this man kiss, but also he knew how to give an orgasm.

  She could feel his cock resting against her sex. There was no denying it she wanted this man. She was not exactly sure what the future held, but she was not going to fight him this minute.

  "Hunter I want you to hurry please."

  Hunter chuckled she was saying exactly what he wanted to hear. "Your wish is my command babe." He removed her thongs and bra and, slowly entered her. As he was entering her, it felt like heaven to him to be inside this woman who not only frustrated him, but also made him think about settling down. He was not kidding when he said that he was falling for her. He knew that he was falling fast, and if he did not watch himself before he knew it, he was going to be in love with her. When he was finally inside of her, he knew he was lost. "Are you okay?"

  "Just give me a few minutes it has been a long time."

  Hunter started kissing her so she would relax. "I am good."

  Hunter started moving inside of her, and he felt like he was in paradise. He reached up, grabbed her hands, and placed them on her breast. "Play with them." She did and he lifted her legs up higher to enter into her deeper.

  "Hunter this feels so good."

  He started pumping harder in her. He could feel his balls tighten, but he held off so she could come first. "I am going to come Hunter."

  "Come for me baby come all over my cock."

  She did as he commanded and came. Chantelle had never had an orgasm like this before. Hunter was not that far behind her he felt it coming and yelled her name as he was coming. He was still moving inside not wanting this feeling to end. He finally collapsed on top of her. Being careful not to crush her. It took him a few minutes to slow his breathing down. He slowly withdrew from her, reached over, and grabbed a tissue to place the used condom in and rose to go what he hoped was her bathroom. Chantelle had not even realized when he had put the condom on. When he returned, he went to her, grabbed her, and held her in his arms spooning her.

  "I have to admit I did not even realize you were wearing a condom."

  Hunter started chuckling. "Did I have you that discombobulated?"

  Chantelle turned her head slightly and smiled at him. "I guess you did."

  "Good because I plan on doing it a lot."

  "Really? What makes you think that this is going to happen again?"

  Hunter reached to turn Chantelle so that she was facing him. Even thought Chantelle was joking she could tell from the expression on Hunters face he was not in a joking mood. "No more running Chantelle. I want allow it. We both agreed to give this a chance."

  Chantelle knew that Hunter was not going to let this go. He was staring at her with his intense green eyes. She still could not figure out why this man wanted to have a relationship with her. She reached up and caressed his face. "Hunter we are different in so many ways I am having a hard time believing that anything between us will work."

  Hunter grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Woman you are the most stubborn person I have ever met, but I have no intention of letting you run. Even if you tried, I will only chase after you."

  "I believe that you will. You know you are not the only one who is stubborn. Fine it is like Aaliyah said I deserve some fun in my life."

  Hunter caught himself before he looked disappointed. Is this what she thought of their relationship having fun. Hunter knew he had his work cut out for him, but he had no idea that it was going to be this uphill of a battle. He decided to let her think that this was only going to be about sex. It was up to him to convince her that it was going to be more than that. Chantelle had turned back over to her side, and Hunter kissed her shoulder. He was intrigued with her tattoo. I love your tattoos is this a Pegasus?"

  Chantelle turned to look at Hunter she did not know why she should be shocked that Hunter knew what her tattoo was. "Yes it is." Chantelle chuckled.

  "What is so funny?"

  "Most people at first glance thank that it is a unicorn."

  "I guess they are not familiar with Greek mythology."

  "Guess not."
br />   "Why a Pegasus?"

  "Some think that a Pegasus is a symbol of wisdom and inspiration something that I am in need of all the time."

  "What about the phoenix on your lower back."

  "Well you are perceptive."

  "I am a lawyer I have to be, so why a phoenix."

  "You are familiar with the meaning of the phoenix?"

  "Of course the phoenix is a creature that rises from its own ashes after burning."

  "Exactly, I choose the Phoenix because it symbolizes a person's inner fire and zest for life. It also symbolizes resurrection and rebirth. I chose the phoenix because it represents a tough time in my life when my husband died. That was a very tough patch in my life. Having a phoenix represents the fact that I overcame it. I will never get over losing him, but I did get through it."

  At that moment, Hunter bent down and kissed her. "You are one very strong woman and an inspiration for other woman."

  "I think that you give me too much credit."

  "I think that you do not give yourself enough."

  "What about the sunset or is it a sunrise on your leg."

  "It is a sunrise. It represents the start of a new day, and since I live on the east coast I see the sunrise in the morning."

  "Well at least your body art has meaning. I have seen so many people get tattoos just to have one and they just pick a picture because it looks pretty."

  "I take it that your arm band tattoo has a meaning?"