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Finding Love Again Page 7
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Page 7
Hunter picked Chantelle up. "I am confident in our relationship, and that is the only thing that I care about at this time."
"Well Mr. confident I am hungry."
Hunter started laughing. This woman makes me happy. He knew that it has only been a couple of weeks, but he could actually see them together for the rest of their lives. He promised her that he would take it slow, but he was finding it harder and harder to do that. "Well my lady please have a seat and enjoy this feast that has been prepared in your honor."
The two of them sat down and enjoyed their meal Chantelle said that she was hungry, but she did not realize how hungry until she realize she ate enough to feed two people. After they ate they went into the living room, they were deciding if they wanted to watch a movie. Hunter knew what he wanted to do, but he said that he was going to take it slow. The last thing he wanted was for Chantelle to think that all he wanted from her was sex. He wanted her to conclude that he wanted to have a relationship with her, and possibly a future.
Chantelle sat down on the Italian leather couch. She could fall asleep in this and his chase lounge. She saw a newspaper and picked it up to read. It was on the society page, and that is when she saw the article on Hunter. As she started reading it she realized that there several picture of her with Hunter. "Hunter come look at this."
Hunter was trying to pick out a movie for them to watch. He was just deciding when she called him. "What is it babe?"
"Look at this article it is about you."
Hunter sat down and read the article. He was used to having his name in print, and pictures of him in the paper. This time they had pictures of him and Chantelle. In the past, the women he dated never had a problem being photograph with him. He had a feeling Chantelle was not going to like being the center of attention. He knew that sooner or later there was going to be articles about the current woman in his life. He was hoping that it would have been later. After he read the article he looked at Chantelle, he smiled at her to try and sooth her.
"Well did you read what it was saying? They are trying to figure out who this new woman is in your life. Then they had the nerve to call me your nubbin princess. Did you see what this reporter said? He said that Hunter Jameson must love chocolate on his ice cream. We know that she is not his usual choice, but the bigger question is she older than him?"
Hunter closed his eyes to try and get some perspective on this situation. He needed to calm her down. "Listen babe I know that this article is somewhat shocking, but we cannot let a bunch of reporters control our lives."
"I knew this was a mistake. I should have listened to myself."
Hunter knew exactly where this conversation was going, and he was not about to let her convince herself that having a relationship was wrong. "Babe we are not going down that road again. There is nothing dirty or shameful about our relationship. Furthermore, if you think that we are going to end this because of this article you might as well get it out of your head.
Chantelle did not want to fight with Hunter, but she had to find a way to make him see that their relationship was doomed from the start. "Hunter it is no use this is not going to work. I do not like gossip, and I have to think about my son."
Hunter closed his eyes to stop himself from getting angry and asked for the right words to say to her. He was not going to let the media control their lives. When he opened his eyes back up, he knew that there was no way he was letting her go. "Babe I know that this is new for you. I am not going to lie to you and tell you that it is going to be easy. However, in a couple of weeks someone else will make the headlines. I will protect you and Michael as much as I can, but I promise you it will eventually become old news."
"I know that this is nothing for you, but Hunter I do not think that us being in a relationship…" Before she could even finish her sentence, Hunter had grabbed her and started kissing her. This was a kiss to make her forget about the article and remember that they could have something very special. Before Chantelle knew what was going on, Hunter had carried her upstairs to his bedroom. Hunter had a California King and the whole downstairs where she lived could fit into his bedroom. There was a sitting room and a walk in closet any woman would love to have. The bathroom was huge there was a large tub with jets, and a shower big enough to fit the Brady Bunch in. They were on his bed, and Hunter had removed their clothes. His was kissing her neck and working his way down her body. When he came to her belly button ring, he stayed there, kissed her flat stomach, and played with her ring. He was always telling her how sexy he thought it was along with her tattoos. When he came to his destination, he stopped and took in her essences. He always loved the way she smelled. He slowly starting licking around her pussy. He was driving Chantelle crazy.
"Hunter please stop making me wait." He started chuckling and Chantelle did not see anything funny about this situation.
Hunter knew that he was driving her crazy, but he wanted her to want him as bad as he did. He wanted her to forget about calling it quits. "What do you want me to do babe?"
"You know what I want."
"Tell me. Say it."
"Hunter please."
"You know what I want to hear. If you want me to take care of your need, you are going to have to tell me what it is."
"Sorry babe my parents were married when I was born. Now what is it you want?"
Chantelle hesitated. She hated giving in, but she also knew that she loved his possessive side. He also made sure that people especially brothers knew who she was with.
"I am waiting babe unless you do not want me to take care of your needs."
He was constantly getting her close to the edge only to pull back. She could not stand it anymore. "I want you to eat my pussy."
Hunter started laughing. "Now see babe was that so hard."
"Just do it."
"Patience babe."
"My patience went out the window the minute you started tormenting me."
"You were a solider you should have a lot of will power."
"Correction I was a solider I do not have to have tolerance anymore. Now eat my busy."
"Since you asked so nicely how could I turn you down?" Hunter feasted on her like it was his last meal. When she came the first time, Chantelle thought that she was going to die. Hunter did not let up he kept feasting and she kept having orgasm after orgasm. Hunter had to hold her down.
"Hunter please enough I can't take anymore." Her pleading did not make him stop she had two more orgasm before he lifted his head.
"You need to make up your mind babe. Do you want me to please you or not."
Chantelle could hardly talk the man had her undone. Before she could recover, he was entering her. Again, she did not realize that he had put a condom on. He slowly started moving inside of her. When he started rotating his hips, he found her g-spot. If she thought that, her orgasm was huge before, this one really set her on fire. Chantelle was always a screamer, but not to this extent. Hunter was not even done with her. He had raised her legs and placed them on his shoulder. He was even deeper and she had another orgasm. Hunter felt his balls tighten up. He knew he was getting ready to come. He had made a promise to himself that one day he was going to ride her bareback. He had to feel this pussy with nothing in between them. His orgasm came and he felt it all through his body. When he was done, he came down on her, but not too lay completely on her. He stayed there for a few minutes before he pulled out of her and rolled over to his side bringing her with him spooning. He was giving her light kisses on her shoulder.
"If you think that this is going to help me forget that article, you are fooling yourself."
Hunter rolled away from her and stared at the ceiling. "I will do everything to make sure you and Michael are protected, but people are curious. When we go out there are bound to be photographers and reports. We are not going to let these people control our lives. Everything is going to be fine."
"I know that this is everyday behavior for you, but what do
you think they are going to say when they find out that I am older than you?"
Hunter rolled back over to her and put his arms around her. "They are going to wish that they looked as good as you do when they get your age."
Chantelle smiled at his remark. "Is that a smile I see on you?"
"Okay that remark puts you on my good side. What will your family say when they see the paper?"
"I do not know, and I do not care. You will meet my family soon enough. They are going to have to get used to you because I plan on making you and Michael a permanent fixture in my life."
Chantelle turned and looked at him. "You are getting ahead of yourself."
"I cannot help how I feel." Hunter could see the distress on Chantelle's face, and decided to change the subject. "Maybe you are right we said that we were going to take it slow. Let us see where this takes us."
Chantelle knew that Hunter was up to something. Everything in her was telling her to end it with him because his feelings were getting strong for her. That is the last thing that she wanted, but she was also having fun with him. Maybe she was making more out of it than there is. She deserved some fun in her life.
"Babe why don't we get some rest for now, I plan on taking you out for dinner."
"I do not have anything to wear."
"Already taken care of, Aaliyah saw to all of your needs. She packed a bag for you."
"Remind me to thank her."
Hunter pulled her closer to him and gave her a kiss on the neck before he dosed off thinking how fortunate he was to have this woman in his life.
Chapter 12
"Well I see that the prodigal son has returned." Hunter turned around and saw his brother Lee in the room with him. Lee maybe the oldest of the children, but Hunter was taller than him by at least by two inches. Unlike Hunter Lee's hair was blond and he had blue eyes.
"Well mom has been leaving messages on my phone as to why I have not been around."
"Well let me warn you she has seen the paper and she is going to question you about the new lady in your life."
Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "I do not see what the big deal is."
"You must be kidding. She is just getting use to you dating older woman, and now you're dating a black woman."
Hunter shook his head. Hunter loved his family, but he also knew that they could be a little closed-minded. "Well if she wants to know about her she can ask. However I will not allow anyone to speak negative of her."
"Hey bro you know me I could care less. Just as long as you are happy."
Hunter sighed. "Sorry I tend to get a little protective of my relationship with Chantelle."
"It must be serious?"
Hunter smiled. "I am very serious about her. I can see a future with her. I mean it is still early in the relationship, but I am falling in love with her."
"Wow I have not seen you this excited about a relationship since college. How does she feel about you?"
Hunter stopped smiling. Even though he knew that Chantelle has strong feeling for him, she was yet to admit it. "I am afraid that Chantelle is a little apprehensive. She does not like all of the attention the media is giving us. She also has a problem with the age difference."
"Wait she is older than you?"
Hunter smiled. "I know the pictures do not do her justice, but yes she is older than me."
"How older is she than you?"
"Ten years."
"I am going to make sure that I am standing on the other side of the room when mother starts yelling and screaming." Hunter knew that his brother was not at all off track about their mother. She could become a little dramatic when things did not go her way.
"Well she is just going to have to deal with it. I have no plans on ending things with Chantelle." As if on cue, the rest of his family enters the room. His mother came over to him, hugged him as if he had been off to war, and just returned.
"Mom you are acting as if you have not seen me in months. It has only been a couple of weeks."
"Well maybe if you come around for brunch like you are suppose to do I would not act this way."
Hunter loved his mother, but she had a habit of over dramatize events. Like her son and daughter, she had blond hair and blue eyes. She was not tall like her sons. She was only five four, but she always would wear heels to make herself look taller. If there was, one thing Hunter could say about his mother was that Lisa Jameson did the child rearing herself. She told her husband that there would not be any nannies in this house. Her nanny raised her, and even though she loved her nanny, she did not want that kind of environment for her children. All three of her children went to the best private schools, and all received the best college education. However, Lisa Jameson was a stickler for one thing, and that was family time. Everyone had to make sure that they were always home for dinner, and for brunch on Sunday's even when they were grown. Since Hunter had missed three Sunday's in a row he figured he better show up before his mother came looking for him. Even Hunter's father Lance had to make sure he was home for family time. The only exception was when he was on a business trip.
"Well mom I am here."
"You know son your mother was going to send a search party for you." Hunter's dad Lance Jameson did not look fifty-six. His dark brown hair was just starting to show some grey. Unlike his wife and children, his eyes were hazel, but he had the height like his sons. However, Hunter was the tallest one in the family, and the only one with black wavy hair and an olive skin tone.
"I am so glad that you are here brother because mom complained at every family get together." Hunter's sister Alexandra like her brother had blond hair and blue eyes. She was not as tall as her brothers and father, but she was taller than her mother. Being five nine she towered over her mother.
"Well it is your own mistake. You should return calls."
"Sorry mom I was busy."
"You we not too busy to get your picture in the paper."
Here it was he knew that it was only a matter of time before she bought it up. Hunter thought that it was time to change the subject he went to go greet his brother and sister in-law. He gave Aiden his brother in-law the international greeting of putting their fist together. He gave his sister in-law Karen a kiss on the cheek. How is my favorite sister in-law. Well seeing how I am your only sister in-law I have no choice but to be your favorite. He had a good relationship with both of his sibling's and their spouses. He and Lee were always playing golf together, and he was her family's lawyer. That was how his brother and Karen met. He was having lunch with his brother when Karen came into the restaurant. She came over to speak with him, he introduced his brother to her, and the rest as they say is history.
"Okay enough with trying to ignore me. I want answers young man."
He knew that it was a long shot, but he had to try to get his mother off his back. He turned around and waited for the questions to start.
"Mother I am sorry that I have not been around. As I mentioned before I have been busy."
"Busy with your new girlfriend."
"Well that and I am working on an important case."
"Who is she Hunter? She is not your usual."
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"Do not get all defensive with me. I do not mean anything negative, but you have to admit you have never dated a black woman before."
Hunter wanted so badly to roll his eyes, but he also knew that was one way to get a tongue-lashing from his mother. It did not matter how old you were. His parents especially his mother did not tolerate any kind of disrespect. "Mom I do not see what the big deal is I dated Marie in high school."
"Do not even bring that name up. I still think that she took advantage of you. I do not care what you or your father said I still should have had her arrested. You were under age."
"She was only four years older than me."
"I still say she is the reason you do not date woman who are around your age."
"Mom I just happen to pref
er older women."
A thought just occurred to Lisa was this woman was older than her son was? "Is this woman you are seeing older than you?"
Hunter was not going to lie. Besides they were going to meet her soon enough. "Yes mom she is older than me."
"Oh my how much older is she than you?"
"Only by ten years."
"Ten years. Tell me you are not serious about her?"
"Sorry to disappoint you, but I happen to be very serious about Chantelle."
"Her name is Chantelle?"
"Yes mother, and before you ask she was married, but her husband died and she has an eight year old son."
"You are never going to give me grandchildren are you? Hunter dear I know you. You love children I see the way you are with your niece and nephew. You deserve to have children of your own."
Hunter rubbed his hands over his face. This was a conversation he had with his mother at least once a month. Mom I do love children, and if it is in the cards to have one of my own than it will happen. However, I am very serious about Chantelle. When you meet her, you will see what I mean."
Hunter's family except for his brother stared at him. His sister Alexandra was the first to speak. "You mean that you are actually going to bring this woman around so we can meet her?"
Hunter knew that this would shock his family. He had not bought a girlfriend around except for Maria and Angela the two girlfriends that he was serious with since he started dating.