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Finding Love Again Page 3

  Chapter 5


  Aaliyah walked into the house and was not surprised when she saw Chantelle in the living room. "I knew that you would be here."

  "How did you know that I was already home, I could have been at the market or running."

  "Well you do not run in the afternoon, and we just went grocery shopping. Why did you leave work early?"

  "I had to get out of there."


  "Hunter kissed me."

  "Well I can't say I am surprised after he sent you those flowers."

  "What am I going to do Aaliyah?"

  "Why do you have to do anything? Look no one said that you had to marry the guy just have a little fun with him. I mean it has been five years. No one is going to blame you for having fun."

  "I don't know he is white and you know I said that I would never date a white guy ever again. Plus he is rich. What do you think his family is going to say?"

  "You are going to go out with him not his family, and as I mentioned before no one said that you had to marry the guy. Just have some fun you deserve it."

  "I don't think that I remember how to go out on a date."

  "Listen it is like riding a bike once you start you will remember." Chantelle figured what could be the harm if they went out once. She could have sex with him and Hunter is the reason that she was feeling horny. It is only sex anyway.

  "Well I will think about it."


  "Aaliyah I worked on the syllabus for the next few weeks and printed it out so you can give your class the updated one. I think the additions that Kenny wanted were good ones."

  "I agree I think that this assignment is going to put us on the map."

  "I think that it will also…." Just then, the doorbell ranged. "Are you expecting anyone?"

  "No, but we won't know who it is until we answer the door." Aaliyah goes to open the door and a delivery guy is standing there with roses.

  "Chantelle Williams."

  "I can take those wait let me get you a tip."

  "No need it has already been taken care of."

  "They are for you."

  "Who would send me flowers?"

  "There is only one way to find out read the card."

  "You read it." Chantelle already knew who they were from.

  "Chantelle I really enjoy spending time with you.

  I would love to have dinner with you.


  "Well it seems that Mr. Hunter Jameson is not about to give up."

  "Are you going to have dinner with him?"

  "I don't know I mean it could cause a lot of problems."

  "Oh girl stop worrying about something that may or may not happen. Go out and have some fun you deserve it."

  Just then, Chantelle's cell phone ranged. "Chantelle."

  "Hello beautiful."

  "Hello Hunter what can I do for you?"

  "I was wondering if you received the flowers."

  "As a matter of fact they just arrived. They are beautiful."

  "I met what I said on the card. I do enjoy spending time with you, and I would love to have dinner with you. How about Wednesday?"

  "Wednesday… I don't know I mean…" At that time, Aaliyah grabbed the phone from Chantelle and answered for her.

  "Hunter this is Aaliyah Chantelle would love to have dinner with you on Wednesday."

  "Oh okay I will pick her up at seven."

  "Seven is fine." Aaliyah handed the phone back to Chantelle and walked out of the room.

  "I guess we are having dinner on Wednesday?"

  "Did I mention that I like Aaliyah? I have a feeling if she had not interfered we would not be having dinner on Wednesday."

  "You are probably right. Hunter, thank-you again for the flowers it has been a long time since I have been given any flowers."

  "You are welcome sweetness, and goodnight."

  "Goodnight Hunter." As Chantelle was hanging up, she wondered if this was such a good idea to have dinner with Hunter. Well she would have dinner with him and make him realize that they should stick to a working relationship. Now if she could only convince herself.

  Chapter 6


  Wednesday was here before Chantelle knew what hit her. She had worked at home yesterday and did not see Hunter, but he did call her to make sure she was okay. She decided not to go into the office today because she had an appointment and she wanted to do some shopping for tonight. She decided to buy a new dress and shoes, and she had made a hair appointment. It was six thirty and she had a feeling that Hunter was the type of person to arrive on time. "Well don't you look nice is that a new dress."

  "Yes I bought it today."

  "It seems as if you did a lot today to get ready for your date. You did not even come into work today."

  Chantelle looked worried. "Was there a problem because I did not come into work."

  "No everything went smoothly. Hunter was not in the office he had court today. I am proud of you."


  "I thought for sure you were going to find a way to cancel."

  "It was not like I did not think about it. I even thought about using Michael as an excuse."

  "You would use your own son as an excuse. Now you know that I would not have allowed you to do that."

  "I know that is why I did not do it."

  "By the way thank-you for watching him. He is still next door Sherry said that she would feed him then bring him back over after dinner. He has already done his homework."

  "Do not worry I mean it is not as if I have not watched my godson before. Now let me look at you. I have the perfect piece of jewelry that will go perfect with this dress." Chantelle was wearing a black lace dress with matching shoes. Aaliyah had come back with a pair of diamond earrings that went perfect with her dress. No sooner had she finished putting on her lip-gloss the doorbell ranged. It was six fifty five.

  "Could you get that tell Hunter I will be right down."

  "I can do that, and do not worry everything is going to be fine. It is like riding a bike once you get back on you will remember what to do."

  "I hope so it has been five years."

  "Everything will be okay." Chantelle hoped that her friend was right because she had her doubts about this. Well it did not matter she would have dinner with Hunter, but nothing else was going to happen. Chantelle would not allow it. She hope that she could be strong enough to follow through with what she wanted.

  When Chantelle walked downstairs, Hunter was talking to Aaliyah. It was as if he sensed her presence and looked up to find themselves staring at one another. Chantelle knew from the way he was looking at her that she was in trouble. When she came down to meet him, he handed her a single red rose. "Here you are my lady."

  "You are going to spoil me with all of these flowers."

  "That is my intention." Hunter whispered in her ear. "By the way you look beautiful tonight, but you always look beautiful. Are you ready to leave?"

  "Yes let me grab my wrap."

  "Now do not worry about getting home early I have everything under control here stay out as long as you like, and do not do anything I would not do."

  "Oh we want, and remember what I said about Michael."

  "Just go you to."

  They left to go on their date. Hunter lead her to his car. She should have known that he drove something expensive. "Nice Mercedes what is it like eighty thousand."

  Hunter chuckled. "No hundred thousand."

  "This is one of the main reasons why we should not go out."

  "We are not going down that road again. How about we just enjoy dinner?"

  "Fine I think that I can do that."

  Chapter 7


  Chantelle could not believe that she was eating at one of the most expensive and hottest restaurants in the city. It took weeks to get reservations unless you had the money or the name that could get you in. When the waiter led them to their table, Hunter held the chair out for
her. Then sat across from her. They were in a spot that would give them privacy, but still able to see what was going around them. The first thing that Chantelle noticed was all of the expensive jewelry the women were wearing. She could not understand why anyone would wear something that expensive. To her it was just too much temptation for a thief.

  "What's wrong do you not like the restaurant?"

  "Hunter you know that there is no way that I could ever afford to come to this restaurant, so how would I know if I liked it or not. However I have heard that the food is to die for."

  "They do have a reputation for hiring only chef's that has attended Le Cordon Bleu. Would you like some wine?"

  "Yes I would." When the waiter came back, Hunter ordered a bottle of Petrus. Chantelle was not a wine expert, but she did know that a bottle of Petrus at minimum cost a thousand dollars. Chantelle thought that this was just another reason why they should not go out. When the waiter bought the bottle, he poured some in a glass and Hunter tasted it and gave the waiter a nod then he poured some in each glass. Hunter held up his glass.

  "I like to make a toast to a wonderful evening and to future dates." Hunter was looking at Chantelle, and he could tell that he was making her nervous. "Tell me Chantelle do I make you nervous."

  "Yes I mean no."

  "Which is it yes or no?"

  "Look Hunter I am nervous it has been five years since I have been out with a man. I feel like a teenager who is going on their first date."

  "If it makes you feel any better, I am nervous also."

  "You the famous Hunter Jameson where is the media when you need them."

  "Funny, why is it so hard to believe? I have something to prove to you. Remember you consider me a rich playboy."

  "Do not forget white and younger."

  "One obstacle at a time is all I want to deal with tonight."

  "Does that mean you want to go out again?"

  "I think you know the answer to that question. What I want is to learn more about you Chantelle Brown."

  "What is there to know? I told you that I have a son, and that I am a widow. What more is there?"

  "Why not tell me about your time in the Army?"

  "I did twenty years. I joined right out of high school because I did not have the money for college. When I went to my first duty station, I enrolled in college and received my bachelors in Business. Then I went to graduate school and I received my Masters in Human Resources. That is where I met Aaliyah. Even thought we ended up at different duty stations we kept in touch. At my last duty station when I was getting ready, to retire I met Aaliyah and that was when we decided to start our own business. As they say the rest is history."

  "Did you fight in the war?"

  "I did two tours in Iraq, and one in Afghanistan." "Afghanistan was the worst. The thing is that I became non-deployable."

  "Why were you non-deployable?"

  "My husband had only been dead a year, and my commander did not think that I was fit to go to war. Since I only had two years left he made sure that I was not deployed."

  "I do not understand if you were non-deployable how did you end up going to Afghanistan?"

  "I got rid of the waiver."

  "Why would you do that you had a son who had lost one parent, and then you were going to place yourself in harm's way."

  "That was the problem I was not thinking. I know now that I had no business going over there. I missed my husband so much that I did not care anymore. I did not want to live anymore. The problem was that Afghanistan made things worst. When I came back home, I had to seek treatment. I still see a doctor."

  "Are you on any medication?"

  "I take anti-depressions."

  Hunter looked at Chantelle. "If you take anti-depression, you should not be drinking."

  "I do not drink that much. Not as much as I did when I retired from the Army, I use to drink alcohol as if it was water. I understand if you want to take me home and not see me anymore."

  "If you think that you are going to try and scare me away with this story, you under estimate me. I know that many soldiers suffer from PTSD. Not only did you have to deal with the death of your husband, but you had to make it through war."

  Chantelle picked up her drink and made a toast. "Here is to all the service members who made the ultimate sacrifice and the ones that are still over there."

  "Here is to a very strong will and independent single mom who could be a role model for other single parents."

  "Thank-you Hunter I need words of encouragement every once and awhile."

  "Babe I will encourage you every day for the rest of our lives." Chantelle knew that he met it. This man was incredible, and if she did not watch herself, she was going to end up falling for him and getting hurt. She needed to have that talk with Hunter before this went any further.

  "Hunter we need to talk." Hunter knew exactly where this conversation was heading, and he was not going to let her start with her mantra of we do not belong together.

  "We can talk later let us just enjoy our dinner."

  "Okay Hunter I can do that."


  Later after dinner, Hunter took Chantelle

  upstairs where there was a live band playing jazz.

  Chantelle still could not believe that she was at one

  of the hottest restaurants and clubs in the city. They

  were even playing one of her favorite artist Boney

  James. They must of liked him also because they were

  playing several of his songs. When they started

  playing 'All night long', Hunter asked her to dance.

  Hunter was an excellent dancer. He was holding her close, and his hand was on her lower back. "Are you having a good time?"

  "As a matter of fact I am having a nice time. I must say that you are an excellent dancer."

  "I think having a partner that you really want to be with helps also."

  "Hunter you are a charmer. I bet you say that to all of your dates."

  "As a matter of fact you are the only woman I have said that to." They were looking at one another, and then before Chantelle knew what was happening Hunter kissed her. Before the kiss became too intense, Chantelle pulled away. They danced to two other songs before Chantelle started complaining how her feet were hurting. These were one of her favorite pair of shoes, but they were more for looking cute in not for dancing. Instead of going back to the table, they decided to leave.

  Chapter 8


  Instead of taking Chantelle home, they went to Hunter's house. His house more like a mini mansion. She wondered why a single man needed so much room. When she first walked in, she noticed that all of the floors were wooden except for the ones in the foyer and the furniture was very expensive. They settled into the living room. "I love your foyer what kind of floors is that?" It is terrazzo. It consists of marble, granite, onyx, and glass chips embedded in cement."

  "That is Italian right."

  "Yes it is."

  "From what I can see you have a lot of Italian influence in your house. I take it that is one of your favorite places."

  "You are correct. I have spent a lot of time in Italy. If you ever want to go there let me know, so I can be your tour guide."

  "You know it that well? I will keep that in mind when I go."

  "Would you like a drink?" Hunter was fixing himself a scotch.

  "I will take a venetian sunset." Hunter raised one eyebrow at her. "What, you think that you hold all the facts about Italy?"

  "No I have just never had anyone say they wanted one."

  "You do know how to fix it?"

  "Very funny."

  While Hunter was fixing her drink, she looked around the room. The whole room reeked of money she could just image what the rest of the house looked like. This leather couch she was sitting on cost at least five thousand. She could only image how much the other pieces cost. "Here you go. Let me know how it is I am a little out of practice on this one."

sp; Chantelle tasted it, and made a horrible taste. "Here let me have it I will make you another."

  That was when Chantelle started laughing. "Sorry I could not help myself."

  "Why did you make me think that I made a horrible drink?"

  "I guess because you are so good at everything I wanted you to think that you could at least do one thing wrong."

  Hunter raised an eyebrow. "There are a lot of things that I cannot do. I am not perfect babe."

  "I guess you just seem so well put together that it would be hard to find anything wrong with you."

  "I assure you I do. I know one thing I find perfect about you."

  "What would that be?"

  "Your beauty babe."

  "First, I am not beautiful there are women in this world that are a lot beautiful than me. Second do not call me babe."

  "To me you are and why can I not call you babe?"

  "I think that this is as good of time as any to have a talk."