Finding Love Again Page 4
Hunter knew what Chantelle was going to say. He was determined to change her mind. "Not the same old subject again. I am so tired of you finding excuses not to go out with me. Tell me something up until this very moment were you having a good time?"
"Well yes but that has nothing to do with the issues that we would face."
"This is not the nineteen sixties we have a right to be happy together. Yes, there are going to be people who are going to do a double take when they see us together. You know what I say the hell with them. We deserve to be happy and we deserve to find out where this thing that is between us goes. Do not even try to deny that there is something between us." At that moment, Hunter set his and Chantelle's drink on the table. He grabbed her and started kissing her. At first, it was a simple kiss, but when Chantelle opened her mouth to protest Hunter took advantage. He deepens the kiss, and then it becomes a battle of the tongues. Chantelle knew that she was going to lose because she placed her hands behind Hunters neck. Hunter moved his lips away from her mouth and started kissing her neck, and Chantelle held her head back to give him more access. "You still going to deny that there is something between us?"
Chantelle did not even realize Hunter was speaking to her at first this is what this man had done to her. She could not even think straight. "Well are you still going to deny the feelings we have?" He had stopped kissing her and now he was looking at her with those penetrating green eyes.
"I ohm I…."
"That is okay babe I know you cannot deny it. I think that we owe it to ourselves to find out what we can have."
"Someone is going to get hurt."
"Maybe but that is the chance you take when you have a relationship. Come on babe, and yes, I am going to call you that and any other endearments that come to mind."
What would be the harm in going out with Hunter? He would probably get tired of her anyway. She would just have to keep her guard up and be prepared when it happened. "I guess we could give it a try."
Hunter smiled that was the best news he had heard all night. Hunter knew that this was going to be an uphill battle and that she was going to put up walls. He also knew that he was going to tear down those walls. "I am glad that you finally see it my way."
He just did not know that she was going to fight getting to attached to him because when the time comes for him to leave her she would not become the emotional wreck she was when her husband died. She knew that eventually he would get tired of her. She just needed to prepare herself for that day. Now all she had to do was convince her heart of that.
Chapter 9
Chantelle had just walked into her office after giving a presentation. She really hated giving them. She was going to talk to Hunter about having Aaliyah giving the presentations. Then she saw the note from Hunter asking her to come to his office. She wondered what he wanted. Well there was only one way to find out and that was to go see. When she came to his office, Nancy his assistant was at her desk. "Hi Nancy, Hunter wanted to see me."
"He told me to send you right in when you came."
"Thanks how is your day going?"
"I cannot complain I have a great boss and I love my work."
"That does make a difference. Well Nancy I better go in, and have a good day." When she walked into Hunter's office, he was on his computer. She went to sit in one of the chairs that was in front of his desk.
"Took you long enough to come."
"If I had of known that there was an importance's I would have ran down the hall."
Hunter chuckled at her statement "There was no need for you to run".
"Good because I already did my run this morning. Well what was it that you needed?"
If Hunter wanted to surprise Chantelle, he was doing a very good job. "Excuse me what did you say?"
"I said I need you."
Okay get a hold of yourself. He could mean something completely different from what she was thinking. Maybe he just needed something explained. "Why do you need me? Is something wrong?"
Hunter stood up, came in front of Chantelle, grabbed her hand, and pulled her up from the chair. "There most definitely is something wrong I miss you and I wanted to see you." He then kissed her, which took Chantelle by surprised. Of course, she should be used to Hunter grabbing her and kissing her. The man has a way of making her forget where she is when he does this. He also has a habit of making her want things she has not thought of in five years. If she did not watch herself, she might find herself on Hunter's desk with her clothes off.
Chantelle pulled away from Hunter, but that did not stop him from kissing her neck. "Hunter you need to stop."
"Now why would I do something like that when I am enjoying having you in my arms?"
"Because we are at work, and this is not the time or the place for this."
"We can always go back to my place."
"You are impossible." Chantelle was able to step back from Hunter. "Now was there anything thing else that you needed?"
Hunter was not very happy having Chantelle out of his arms, but he could be a patient man. "How about we have lunch together?"
"I think I can fit you in my schedule."
"Good let's go I made reservations."
Chantelle stopped in front of Hunter. "Suppose I was busy then what would you have done."
Hunter shrugged his shoulders and said. "You weren’t so that is a moot question."
"You are one arrogant man."
"You are just realizing that."
"No I knew you were. I just did not realize how arrogant you are. Is this what I have to look forward to?"
"Only when you are being stubborn. Come on babe lunch is awaiting us."
"There is something that I would like to discuss with you."
"Okay we can discuss it at lunch."
Once again, Hunter was taking Chantelle to a very expensive restaurant. If she did not watch herself, she could find herself getting use to being spoiled. As they were walking to their table, she noticed two things one Hunter spoke to many of the people that were in the restaurant and they were getting many stares. Even after they sat down, she noticed that they were getting a lot of looks. "Hunter are you a regular at this restaurant?"
"I have been known to come here on occasion why?"
"We just seem to be getting a lot of attention."
Hunter looked around and noticed several of his parent's friends. "Oh, do not pay them any attention." Hunter could tell that Chantelle was looking uncomfortable. "Babe look at me. I do not give a damn what people think, and I certainly do not care what a bunch of busy bodies think. We made a decision to see where this relationship could lead to, and we owe it to ourselves to find out." At that moment, he gave her a light kiss on the lips. If it was his intention to draw more attention to them, he was doing a good job of it. Just then, someone came over to where we were sitting and called Hunter's name.
"Hunter Jameson where have you been hiding?"
Of all the people, he had to see today. Pamela Niles could potentially cause a problem with his budding relationship with Chantelle. He had to find a way of getting rid of her fast. He stood up to greet her. "Hello Pamela yes it has been a long time." She gave him a kiss on the lips before he could stop her. Hunter had to do something about this situation and fast. "Pamela I would like for you to meet Chantelle Brown. Chantelle this is Pamela Niles a friend of my family."
"Oh Hunter we are more than just friends we are practically engaged. Are you a new lawyer Hunter's firm is bringing into the practice or a client?"
Chantelle looked at the woman named Pamela. She was pretty in a fake sort of way. Everything about her was fake from her blond hair to her boobs. Chantelle could never understand why someone would want to waste good hard-earned money on fake boobs. She did not really see what attraction Hunter had for the woman, but if he was engaged to her apparently, he came to his senses before the wedding. "I am neither I am doing some consulting work for
Hunter's firm."
Hunter raised a brow at Chantelle comment. She wanted to play it that way. Hunter was not going to let her minimize their relationship. "Chantelle is more than just my consultant we also happen to be dating." Now deny that.
"Oh really you do not seem his type."
Hunter was throwing the gauntlet down, and she could tell he was waiting for her to make the next call. She knew that Hunter was testing her to see what she would say. "Well Hunter and I just started going out."
"Oh that explains it. You see he never stays with one woman longer than a couple of weeks."
Before Chantelle could say anything else, Hunter beat her to the touch. "Well Pamela it was nice seeing you again, but we do have some business to conduct before we have to get back to work."
"Yes let’s do lunch I will call you."
Hunter sat back down not giving Pamela a chance to give him another kiss. He waited waited for Chantelle to say something.
"Well is that one of your ex's?"
"We only dated for awhile."
"She seems to be under the impression that you to are practically engaged."
Hunter just shook his head before he spoke. He had to clear this up now, or it could become a problem. "Pamela's family and my family know one another, so we grew up together. There was a time when my family thought that we would become engaged, but it never happen."
"Let me get this straight you to were never a couple?"
Hunter was not going to lie to Chantelle, so he decided to be completely honest with her. "We went out for awhile when we were younger. My mother had a problem with me always dating women who were older than I was. I decided to give women my age or around my age a chance. Pamela and I dated for about six months, but I felt nothing for her. Even though we had known each other all of our lives, I never felt anything other than friendship. I even dated a few other women around my age and it was the same. I just prefer older women."
"Does your mother still have a problem with you dating older women?"
"She does, but she also realizes that this is my life and I have to live it the way that makes me happy."
"Dating older women makes you happy?"
"Right now you make me happy. I know that I said that we could take it slow, but I find myself wanting to take you back to my place and ravishing you." Hunter reached for her hand and bought it up to his lips. "I find myself thinking about you first thing in the morning and the last thing before I go to sleep. I know that it is early in our relationship, but I think that I am falling for you. I know, but it is how I feel."
"Hunter I think that you are confused. We have not known one another long enough for you to feel this way."
"You cannot tell me how I feel." At just that moment, Hunter saw their waiter coming to their table.
"Are you and the lady ready to order?"
Chantelle did not know what to think of what Hunter was saying to her. She knew that she was attractive to Hunter, but for him to say that he was having strong feelings for her scared her to death. There was only one thing to do and that was to get out of this situation. "You know what I just remembered that I have something that I need to take care of. I am going to have to take a rain check on lunch." Before she could grab her purse, Hunter had grabbed her wrist.
"Could you excuse us please?" Hunter waited for the waiter to leave before he spoke. "What is this about Chantelle?"
"Nothing I just remembered that I have something that needs my attention immediately now please let me go."
Hunter knew that she was trying to run he just could not figure out why. "What is wrong?"
"There is nothing wrong. I just need to take care of some business."
Hunter took out his wallet and placed some money on the table. "I will take you were you need to go."
"No that will not be necessary I can take a cab."
Hunter did not like the way this was going. "Look I do not want you going out of your way. I will see you tomorrow at work."
Before he knew what had happen she was gone. He got up and went to follow her outside, but she was already gone. "Shit what happen?" Hunter was mad, and he was going to find out why Chantelle was running from him.
Chapter 10
Chantelle was pacing back and forth in front of her friend Miles desk. She could not recall a time when she was this upset or nervous. Hunter was confusing her. She needed to talk to someone, and since Aaliyah was still at work that was the last place, she wanted to be because she was afraid Hunter would be there. She decided to go see her friend Miles who she had met in the Army. They became friends after he had decided to come out and state that he was gay, and she ended up doing his paper work for discharge. They stayed friends after he got out and eventually they ended up living in the same city. After the Army, Miles started his own business and from what she could tell, he was doing well for himself. Miles was proof that there was life after the military. Like his house, he had expensive furniture and artwork. The artwork was courtesy of his boyfriend. Chantelle had a couple of his pieces in her home, but she had purchased them when his boyfriend was not well known. Now she could not afford his work even if he offered it to her at a discount.
"As much as I love to see you Chantelle you are going to wear a hold in my carpet if you keep walking back and forth like you are. Have a seat and tell me what is going on. What has you so upset?"
Chantelle sat down and started telling Miles what was going on with her. "I met someone, and as much as I have tried to keep him at a distant he keeps trying to get closer to me."
Miles was happy for his friend, but he could also tell that she was upset, and probably confused about her feeling she is experiencing. "I would like to say that I am happy that you have met someone. However, why are you trying to keep him at a distant? Is he a jerk?"
"No he is not a jerk. I am afraid to get involved with him. You know I have not dated anyone since my husband died."
"You know how I feel about this whole situation. I think that your husband would want you to live and go on with your life. Now who is this man who has you all wound up?"
"His name is Hunter Jameson and…"
Before Chantelle could finish her sentence, Miles interrupted her. "Did I hear you correctly did you say Hunter Jameson?"
"Yes his name is Hunter Jameson why do you know him?"
"Do I know him? A better question is do you know who he is? He just happens to belong to one of the most famous and riches family and he happens to be one of the most eligible bachelors. How did you happen to get the attention of Hunter Jameson?"
"Aaliyah and I was hired as a consultant for his law firm."
"You do realize that you are going to be the envy of every woman in the city because you are going out with Hunter Jameson."
"Have you ever met him?"
"No I have not had the privilege of meeting him, but I do read the papers. If he swung my way, I would have gone after him. Take my advice go out with the man and have fun, and see where it leads. You never know you may become Mrs. Hunter Jameson."
"Now you sound like Aaliyah."
"Well than if two people are giving you the same advice you should listen to us."
"All you see are dollar signs. The man scares me."
"Why does he scare you has he done or said something to you. If he has, you know that I will take care of him. No one messes with my girl."
Chantelle smiled at Miles. Miles was a very handsome man with his chocolate skin and short hair that he still wore military style. Unless you knew Miles, you could not tell that he was gay. The man had the body of an Adonis and he won the title in his class of middleweight in boxing. Even thought he does not box professional anymore, he still hangs around the ring. He even took up kickboxing. Chantelle even went a few rounds in the ring with him kickboxing. "That is very sweet of you, but I do not need for you to beat him up for me. He has been a perfect gentleman."
"Then what is the problem?"
"The fact
that he is rich, he is white and is younger than me."
Miles was aware of the strained relationship Chantelle has with her in-laws. Everything was great before her husband Conner died, but when he died, she saw them for who they really were. A bunch of racist jerks. "Are you going to let what happen with your in-laws make you afraid to date another white man? Tell me something why are you letting them control your life?"
"I am not letting them control my life."
"Sweetheart yes you are. You are letting what happen stopping you from having a good time and possibly having a relationship with someone special."
"Okay let's say that I let that fact go. What about the fact that he is rich?"
"So what that only means that he can take you to some really nice places and if you marry him he want buy your engagement ring from Wal-Mart."
"You are impossible."
"No you know that I am pointing out to you that your reasons for not going out with him are not valid."
"How about the age difference."
"I am younger than you and we get along and are best friends. You are just coming up with lame excuses. Go out with the man and have some fun."
"He scares me he is moving too fast for me."
"I do not think he is moving too fast. I think that since you have been out of the dating scene for so long it just seems that way."