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Finding Love Again Page 2

  "How old are you Hunter?"

  "I am thirty-two. If you do not mind me asking how old are you?"

  "To old for you I am forty-two."

  You could have knocked Hunter down. At first, he thought she looked like she was in her late twenties or early thirties he never would have guessed forty-two. "I know a lot of women who would kill to look as good as you do when they get your age."

  Chantelle started laughing it amazed her how people made the mistake of thinking she was younger than she was. "I get told that a lot. However, this still does not change the fact that I do not date men who are younger than me or white men."

  "I really do not think that I should be punished for something that I have no control over. I cannot help when I was born or what race I am. As far as being rich, I am a responsible person with my money. I am not going to make excuses for being born into money and God forbid it is not going anywhere. I would like to get to know you on a personal level."

  "Well Hunter Jameson that is not going to happen."

  Hunter came closer to Chantelle he was within an inch of her lips. Chantelle though that he was going to kiss her, and heaven help her she wanted him to.

  "We will see about that Ms. Chantelle Brown." Hunter wanted to taste her full lips but he figured he needed to take it slow with her. He stepped back to let her pass. "Please do not let me hold you up we will see each other bright and early Monday." Then he left Chantelle in the room alone. She did not know what to make of Hunter Jameson except he was going to be trouble if she did not watch herself. She needed to find Aaliyah and get the hell out of here.

  Chapter 3


  Chantelle and Aaliyah went to one of their favorite restaurants to celebrate their new job.

  "Well I told you that this was going to be one of the best jobs we would get. With the pay we will receive I can finish paying off my credit card." Aaliyah went on to talk for another five minutes before she realized she was having a monologue. "Why so quiet are you not happy about our new assignment."

  "Of course I am happy about this new assignment the pay is phenomenal. I do have to say that I was not happy about you not having my back."

  "What do you mean I always have your back?"

  "Then why did you insist that I do some of the training? When you know that I never do the training."

  "If I had not we would have lost them as a client. What is really going on with you?"

  "It's Hunter Jameson. I do not trust him."

  "Why he is one of the most respected lawyer in the city for that matter the state. He is also one of the richest men and one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. What is there not to like. I mean he is not bad to look at either."

  "Is that all you see his wallet and looks."

  "Hell yea his money is going to pay off my credit card. What is the real reason? Did something happen after Kenny and I left?"

  Chantelle looked at her friend and debated on telling her what went down. "Why would you ask?

  "For one the man was flirting with you big time. Did he ask you out? You know it is okay to say yes."

  For the past four years, Aaliyah has been trying to get her to start dating. Chantelle was not ready. She did not think that she would ever be ready to start dating.

  "First of all, he was not flirting with me and second he is like ten years younger than me."

  "So the man has a reputation for preferring older women."

  "How do you know this?"

  "Unlike you I read about the rich and famous. The man comes from one of the riches family in the country. He went to Harvard for both his undergrad and law school. What is there not to like?"

  "You know that I do not date white men."

  "You were married to one and it was a good marriage. Yes and I remember that there was just too much drama with his family and that is making you nervous about dating another white man. Besides you would date Hunter not his family, and by the way, I doubt his family would treat you the way your in-laws did."

  "No it would be worst because they are rich. Why are we even talking about this there is no way I am going to go out with Hunter Jameson?"

  "Suit yourself but I think that he would be a great catch for you. You do know that it is okay to start dating again. I mean it has been five years."

  Chantelle loved Aaliyah like a sister, but she hated when she bought up the fact about dating. She did not know why people were trying to make her rush. Granted it has been five years, and it would be nice sometimes to come home to someone to tell your problems. "I know that it is okay to date, and when I find someone that I am interested in I will. However, that person is not Hunter Jameson."

  "Suit yourself so can we now celebrate by having a drink."

  "Now you are talking." They waved the waiter over to order their drinks.


  Hunter was working on a brief when Kenny walked into his office. "Hey man do you want to get lunch I am starving."

  "You are always hungry, but yea let me save this and we can go."

  "Well do you want me to say it now or later?"

  Hunter had no idea what his friend was talking about, but he was sure that he would find out soon. "What are you talking about?"

  "I am talking about the consulting firm that we hired. I told you if you gave them a chance and listen to what they had to say you would agree with me."

  "Oh that yea you were right."

  Hunter knew that Kenny was not going to let him forgot about his ranting about hiring a consulting firm, so he was not going to give Kenny the power to rag him.

  "That was way too easy what has gotten into you, or should I say who has?"

  "What are you talking about now?" Even though Hunter had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going, he wanted to hear what Kenny had to say.

  "I am talking about the way you were flirting with Chantelle."

  Hunter shut his computer off and stood. He realized that there was no reason to deny that he was making a play for Chantelle. "What if I was?"

  "Hey I don't have a problem, but it looked to me that she did not want anything to do with you. What happen when Aaliyah and I left the room?"

  Hunter knew if he did not tell Kenny he would not get any piece until he did. He loved Kenny like a brother but sometimes he could be very meddlesome. "Well I can see that you will not let this one go." "I told her that I wanted to get to know her on a more personal level."

  "What did she say?"

  "To quote her she said 'Not going to happen'.

  "That’s it, so what do you plan to do about your problem?"

  "Well first off, I do not see it as a problem. I plan to pursue her."

  "What was the reason she gave?"

  "Oh the usual age, but she…" Hunter still could not get over the other facts why she did not want to date him. Granted he never dated a black woman before, but color never matter to him.

  "She what man."

  "She said that she did not date rich playboys or white guys even though her late husband was white."

  "If she was married to a white man, why ban you from her list?"

  "Because she had a bad experience with the in-laws and does not want a repeat." "I plan on changing her mind on that one that is the last thing she has to worry about with my parents. Plus I am a long way from being a playboy."

  "Sounds to me you have your work cut out for you. Just make sure work and personal are kept separate."

  "When have I ever let my personal life get in the way of my professional life, I plan on keeping a level head." "There is just something different about her. The minute she walked in the door I knew that I had to get to know her in the biblical way."

  "Don't tell me you think that she may be the one?"

  Hunter just smiled at his friend and started walking towards the door. "Come on I'm getting hungry lets go eat."

  Chapter 4


  It was hard to concentrate on the work Chantelle was doing when
there was a boutique of roses staring back at her. You could not help but notice them when you walked into the office, and Aaliyah gave her a hard time from the time they both saw them. "Well I wonder who those are from."

  "They are probably for the both of us to welcome us aboard."

  "There is only one way to find out." Aaliyah walked over, grabbed the card, and read it. When Chantelle noticed how Aaliyah cocked one eyebrow, she knew that there was more to those flowers. She wondered if she ignored Aaliyah, she would take the hint and forgot about this.

  "Well do you want to know what the card says?"

  Well there goes that theory.

  "What does the card say?"

  "It seems to be for you."

  "Me, do not be ridiculous."

  Aaliyah handed the card to Chantelle when she walked over. As she read the card, she could not believe what she was reading. This was worst than she thought.

  "Told you the man was flirting with you. What do you plan on doing about it?"

  "I do not plan on doing anything about it. I came to work not to get involved with some guy."

  "Sweetie this is not just some guy. This is Hunter Jameson and he has decided that he wants to get to know you."

  "This means nothing." Aaliyah took the card from Chantelle and read it aloud.

  Chantelle, I thought that this would brighten your day.

  Love, H

  "I think that we can both agree that the man was not just saying good luck on your first day."

  Chantelle knew that she was right, but she had no idea how to handle this. She had been out of the couple's scene for five years. "What should I do?"

  "See where it leads. Flirt back at him just take it one day at a time. There have been men who have been interested in you, but you quickly made it known that you were not interested. Now here is a man that will not take no for an answer. See what he has to offer. Look I need to go and set up the room for my training keep me informed."

  That was two hours ago, and Chantelle still had not seen or heard for Hunter. She did not know if that was a good or bad sign. As if he knew, she was thinking about him Hunter stood in the door looking all smug and sure of himself. He was wearing a custom blue suit, and looking like the rich white man that he is. Well it was time for her to put her big girl panties on and face Hunter. This had to stop before it went any farther.

  "Is there something I can do for you Hunter?"

  Hunter moved away from the door and shut it. "Well at least you remembered to call me Hunter."

  "Is that why you came by, to see if I would call you by your given name?"

  "Of course not I wanted to see how things were going and see if you needed anything."

  "I am doing just fine thank-you."

  "I see that you received my flowers."

  Chantelle could see Hunter smiling. She wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face. If he thought that, he was going to get to her he was wrong. "Yes thank-you for the flowers. Was there something else?"

  So, she wanted to play it this way. Pretend that the flowers met nothing. "As a matter of fact there is I was hoping that you would have lunch with me."

  Chantelle looked at Hunter and smiled. "Oh I'm sorry I already have plans."

  "May I ask with whom?"

  Chantelle looked up from her typing and smiled at Hunter. "No you may not."

  "Oh come on are you really going to make this more difficult than it has to be."

  "I have no idea what you are talking about. I already have plans what is difficult about that."

  Hunter came around to the side of the desk and placed his hands on top of hers to stop her from typing. "What do you think you are doing? I have a lot of work to do."

  "It is not going anywhere." Hunter grabbed Chantelle and pulled her up and closer to him.

  "What are you doing?"

  Hunter was only inches away from her lips. Lips that he desperately wanted to kiss, and get acquainted with. "Tell me why are you fighting me on this?"

  "Fighting you on what? I told you that I already had plans. Besides, I told you that I do not date white guys…

  "Yes I know or rich ones or younger men. You should really consider changing your mind."

  "Not going to happen."

  "Then I guess I am going to have to change it for you." Before Chantelle could argue, Hunter pulled her closer and claimed her lips. At first Chantelle was shocked and then she went limp in his arms and opened her mouth to him. It felt as if they were having a battle with their tongues and Chantelle was losing. It had been a long time since Chantelle felt this way. She had to give him credit the man could kiss. Hunter could feel her giving into him. He slowly placed his hands lower until he cupped her ass. Chantelle had reached up and had her arms around his neck playing with his hair. She loved the feel of his hair it was silky. She also loved the way the man felt next to her. She could tell that he worked out. She loved the feel of a man who took care of his body. Hunter moved away from her lips and started kissing her neck. "You are so beautiful. I thought of nothing but you over the weekend." Before Chantelle could say anything, he started kissing her again. Then she heard the song the Entertainer and realized that it was her cell phone.

  "I need to get that."

  "Let it go to voice mail."

  "I need to get it." Hunter let her go. She went to answer her phone knowing who it was. "Hello." At the same time, Hunter came up behind her, placing his arms around her waist, and started kissing her neck. He was making it hard to concentrate on her phone call. It was apparent that he was not going to stop pursuing her. She needed to put a stop to this. "Sure we are still on for lunch Miles." At that moment, Hunter stopped kissing her and pulled away. He looked at her and raised his eyebrow. "I will meet you at the restaurant, and yes we are still on for dinner tonight." At that moment, Hunter took the phone from Chantelle.

  "I am sorry Miles but Chantelle will not be having lunch with you good bye." He ended the call and put her phone back on her desk. She could not believe the audacity of taking her phone and hanging up on Miles.

  "Why the hell did you tell him that and hanging up on him. I was still talking to him."

  "I thought that I made it pretty clear you were not having lunch with him nor are you having dinner with him."

  "Where the fuck do you get off saying who I can or cannot have lunch or dinner with."

  "Us kissing before we were interrupted by Miles gives me the fuck to say who you go out with. The only man you are going out with is me."

  "You are crazy."

  "Yes I am crazy about you. I know that you are not going to stand here and tell me that you felt nothing when we were kissing. If you do, you are lying to me and to yourself."

  Chantelle closed her eyes hoping that this was a dream, but when she opened her eyes back up Hunter was still standing there. "Get out Hunter. I am not going out with you, so you might as well just leave me alone."

  Hunter stood there with his arms crossed. "If you run, I am only going to keep chasing you."

  "I do not understand you. Why me you could have any woman you want?"

  "Why not you are beautiful, intelligent what man would not want to be seen with you."

  "We come from two different worlds."

  "Haven't you ever heard that opposites attract."

  "Yes but they do not always stay together."

  "Only if you let the differences come between you, and I have no intention of letting that happen. I want to get to know you, and I think that once you get to know me you will see that I am not that different from you."

  "I know one thing you are arrogant."

  Hunter started laughing. Chantelle did not think that this situation was funny. "Why are you laughing?"

  "I wouldn't say that I am arrogant, just confident. I am confident that you are going to go out with me."

  "Well I can tell you that I am not going to have lunch with you today."

  "Why and I do not want to hear because I am white, rich, or younger t
han you."

  "Well I am sorry those are my reasons. Now if you will excuse me I have to finish this and then I need to meet Miles."

  Hunter lifted his brow and looked at her for a long time before he said anything. Then he chuckled and grabbed Chantelle. "Go on and have lunch with Miles, but this is not over. When I want something really bad, I usually get it." He then kissed her with so much passion Chantelle thought that she was going to faint when he let her go. It took Chantelle a long time to settle down after Hunter left her office. She needed to get out of there so she could think.


  When Chantelle left the office she did not meet Miles, but she did call him and asked if they could do lunch another day that is after she promised to explain who and what happened on the phone. She still could not believe that Hunter kissed her and said that this is not the end of him chasing after her. She also could not believe that she reacted the way she did to his kiss. If he had of kept kissing her, they would have ended up on her desk. Chantelle had no idea how she was going to handle this situation, but she knew that she better come up with a solution soon because she needed to get back to the office. She needed to talk to Aaliyah.