Finding Love Again Read online

Page 9

  "Well yes and no. The everyday running of the company belongs to a cousin. Any important decisions everyone has a say so. I also handle all legal issues."

  "Do you ever see your birth mother?"

  "I saw her once when I was a kid, and it was not a happy reunion. My grandparents told her to come and visit either before I came or after I left. I have not seen her since then."

  "Has she married and had other children?"

  "No but she is always linked to some rich man. Right now, she is in the French Rivera with some rich man."

  "How do you know this?"

  "She is always in the European papers, and my cousins feel as if they need to inform me of what she is doing."

  "Do you care?"

  "No that woman is not my mother. She is just the woman who gave birth to me a vessel."

  "When did you find out that Lisa was not your birth mother?"

  "I was told as soon as I was old enough to understand. I think I was four or five years old. I mean I would stay in Italy for the summer. I guess they realized that they had to tell me something. I am just glad that they told me the truth."

  "Well you seem to be okay with it."

  "I am I mean growing up I had three sets of grandparents."

  "I know that your grandparents in Italy are still alive what about you're other grandparents?"

  "My mom's parents are no longer living, but my dad's parents are. The reason they were not there this afternoon is that they are in Florida. They usually go there for the winter. They should be back in a few weeks."

  "How do you think they are going to feel about me?"

  "The same as my parents do. I told you there is nothing to fear from my family. When you meet my family in Italy, they are going to love you also."

  "Hunter it was nice to meet your family, but I see no reason to meet your relatives that live in Italy."

  "Well I do, and they are anxious to meet you."

  "You told them about me?"

  "Of course I did, and my grandmother is very anxious to meet you."

  Chantelle did not know if she should run and hide or tell Hunter how she felt about him telling everyone who would listen about their relationship. "Hunter may I ask why you felt that it is important for every member of your family to know about us?"

  "They realize how happy I am, and they do read the newspaper."

  "I understand about your family that lives here. I am wondering why you felt that you had to tell the ones that live in Italy?"

  "Well I did not tell them about us at first. My cousin that takes care of the U.S. distribution of our wine found out about it and told everyone back in Italy. Well then the phone calls came and they wanted to know about you, and I had to tell them."

  This whole thing was getting out of hand. Chantelle felt that she was losing control of the whole situation. Their relationship was only supposed to be about having fun. Now everyone under the sun knew about them. She would not be surprised if his family started planning their wedding. Chantelle stood up and went in front of the fireplace. She needed some space.

  "What is the matter?"

  "You are kidding right."

  "No I am not."

  "Everyone knows about us. What happen to taking it one day at a time? Your family especially your mother did everything except ask for a background check. Now you are telling me that your family in Italy knows about us, and your grandmother is anxious to meet me. What am I suppose to say to her. I mean I do not speak Italian. This has gotten out of hand. I knew that it was a mistake to start going out with you."

  Hunter came over to her and starting to give her a hug, but she put her hand up to keep him away. Hunter knew that he had to act quickly if not she was going to try to break things off with him, and there was no way he was going to allow that to happen. "Look babe, I know that this seems a lot to take in, but I assure you no one is going wedding shopping for us. As far as my family in Italy, I do not go there until the summer. We can wait and see how things are with us. We have awhile before we have to make any kind of decision on Italy."

  Without her even realizing it, Hunter had come up to her. He was holding her in his arms.

  Something told Chantelle that she should not give into Hunter, but she did anyway. "Alright Hunter as long as your family stops asking twenty questions about us."

  "I will make sure that does not happen." Hunter did not know who to think, but he was happy that he had calmed her down. Their relationship was still to new, and he knew that she was still worried about what people thought about their relationship. He knew that he was going to have to be patient with her. She would eventually come around and realize that you cannot live your life for others. You have to live your own life and do what makes you happy. Hunter believed that they could be happy together. There was no way he was letting her go. It was not an option because he was falling in love with her, and he knew that she had very strong feeling for him she was just too stubborn to admit to them. He could wait he was a patient man, and Chantelle Brown was worth waiting for.

  Part II

  Chapter 14


  Hunter had taken Chantelle to a little French Bistro they had found one weekend, and they went there whenever they had a chance. It was intimate and there was privacy the two things Chantelle liked. Hunter wanted to invite Chantelle to the charity fundraiser that his mother was having. He was trying to find the right time to tell her about it, and he guess this was as good as any place to ask if she wanted to be his date.

  "I just love this place I am so glad that we found it, but even better I am glad that you can speak French so I will know what is on the menu."

  Hunter started laughing. "You do know that you can request for a menu in English."

  "I know but you make the language sound so romantic."

  "I will make sure that I speak French to you when we make love."

  "Your Italian has the same effect. I tell you what you can switch between the two."

  "Whatever makes you happy I will accommodate you?"

  "Well all I know is that I am happy to be here. This new assignment has been a headache."

  "If it is that bad babe why not quit?"

  "Really Hunter if it was only that easy. Some of us do not have a trust fund we can live off. I have bills to pay, and a son to take care of."

  "I remember that you received a very generous bonus for the job that you did at my firm. You did not have to take another job so soon."

  "For you information I put that money in a college fund for Michael, and a retirement fund for me. I do not plan on being a greeter at Wal-Mart when I get older because I cannot afford to retire."

  Hunter chuckled at what Chantelle said. "A greeter at Wal-Mart I would never allow that to happen."

  At that moment, Chantelle looked at Hunter strange. "What makes you think that we will still be together?"

  Hunter cleared his throat. Even thought they had been seeing each other for about four months, Hunter knew that there were still some obstacles in their relationship. There were times that he wanted to shout that he was in love with her, but he also knew that she would probably run. He was biding his time until he could confess his feeling to her.

  "Hunter did you hear what I said? I asked what makes you think that we will still be together?"

  Babe whether we are together or not I would never allow you to work at Wal-Mart as a greeter. You mean too much to me to allow that to happen."

  Chantelle did not know if she believed what he was saying. Sometimes she had the feeling that Hunter was holding something back. She had to admit that she loved being with him, but she was also realistic. There was no way they could have a future together. He would eventually find someone who was younger and prettier than she was, and someone who could give him a child. Chantelle was trying to make sure that she did not develop strong feelings for Hunter, but that was becoming harder each day. She knew that the smart thing to do was to end it with him, but every time she tried, too she
thought about the empty place in her heart from missing him. Chantelle was beginning to think that maybe it was too late for her heart. Oh girl what are you going to do now she had to admit that she was falling in love with Hunter Antonio Jameson.

  "What are you thinking in that pretty little head of your?"

  Chantelle knew that this was a good time to end things with Hunter, but as usual, she could not bring herself to end their relationship. "I was just thinking that I am not going to think about work and enjoy myself."

  "Now you are talking."

  Chantelle and Hunter decided to have a glass of wine after lunch and enjoy the view of the city. Hunter wanted to approach the subject of his mother's fundraiser. If there was one thing Hunter knew about his mother was that she took her fundraising serious. She needed a count of how many people were going to be there, and Hunter had not given her an answer as of yet. He knew that he needed to ask Chantelle or hear the wrath of Lisa Jameson.

  "Hunter I am so glad that we found this place the owners are so nice, and I love the way that they remember us each time we come."

  "They remember us because of your beauty."

  Chantelle never knew how to respond to Hunter when he gave her compliments. He was doing it more and more, and when they were making love he always had this look in his eyes like he wanted to say something, but he always held back. "Hunter you know when you say things like that I get uncomfortable."

  "Why it is the truth. You are the most beautiful woman in this room."

  "Stop it Hunter please."

  "Okay, but you know how I feel. I will change the subject. What are your plans for the last Saturday of June?"

  "I have no idea what is it?"

  "My mother is having her annual fundraiser for the homeless and as her children we are required to attend any fundraiser my mother is in charge of."

  "You want me to be your date?"

  "Yes I would be honored if you would be my date."

  "If I said no, would you still go?"

  "I would go and make an appearance, and then I would leave."

  "You wouldn't find another date?"

  "No If I cannot go with you then I will not take anyone."

  "Why me you could go with anyone?"

  "I could but since you are my girlfriend I would like to attend the ball with you."

  "I do not know I mean there will be a lot of people there, and the media will probably be there."

  "Yes there will be a lot of people there, and yes the media will be there. However, I will be right there beside you. The media knows that I am seeing someone, and we have made the society pages quite a few times. We have been seeing each other for four months sooner or later they are going to see us at some formal gathering."

  "Why no one has to see me at a formal gathering. Who knows we may stop seeing each other."

  Hunter was getting angry he hated when Chantelle would bring up the possibility of them not seeing each other anymore. He tried to show patience with her, but she was making it impossible most of the time.

  "You know I really hate when you talk like that. I am going to start getting a complex and think that you want to break-up."

  "Maybe we should."

  "What!" Hunter knew that he was drawing attention to them by making that remark, but he did not care. He should not be surprised at her remark, but he was getting tired of her tiring to break things off with him. There was no way he was going to let this woman walk out of his life.

  "Hunter please you are drawing attention to us."

  "Sorry babe, just thinking about you not being in my life is not something I want to happen."

  "Why Hunter you and I both know that what we have is temporary. You are going to find someone who is younger and prettier, and who can give you children…"

  Before she could say anymore, Hunter kissed her. Not only was it a kiss to keep her quite, but it was to show her how much she met to him. To Chantelle's disappointment, it ended too soon.

  "I do not want to hear anymore talk about us breaking up. I have always dated woman who were older than I was, and if I want a child there are other ways to go about having children. There are so many children in this world who need good homes, and I think that we could provide a great home for any child."

  "We Hunter I think you mean you..."

  "No I met to say we. If you have not figure it out yet I want us to have a future."

  Chantelle wanted to believe Hunter, but she could not take the chance with her heart. "Hunter I do not think that is such a good idea."

  "I do not want anyone younger. I want you." Hunter reached into his wallet, placed some bills on the table, grabbed Chantelle hands, and walked out of the restaurant.

  "Hunter slow down where are we going?"


  One minute they were in the restaurant, and the next minute they were in his car driving off. Hunter did not even bother to look her way. He had his eyes on the road. This was the last time they were going to have this conversation. He was going to prove to Chantelle that they belonged together.

  "Okay I can see that this is going to be a monologue."

  Chantelle was a little surprised when they ended up at his house. She thought for sure that he was going to take her home. When he pulled up into his garage, and got out of the car and came to her side and opened her door she did not know what to say.

  "Are you coming or are you going to sit in the car?"

  Chantelle got out of the car, and Hunter grabbed her hand and started walking towards the kitchen door. Before they could go through Chantelle stopped him. "What now?

  "Why did you bring me here Hunter? I thought that you were mad at me?"

  "You know for someone who was in the Army you jump to a lot of conclusions is it because you were airborne did you read peoples mind in the Army?"

  "No I did not, but you were mad at me."

  "I was mad at what you said, but I was not mad at you. I bought you here because I was not about to have this conversation in public."

  "Then why were you quite in the car?"

  "Because if I stopped to look at you then I do not think that we would have made it back here. I do not know about you, but I am tired of standing in my garage can we go in now?"

  "Hunter how come we would not have made it back here?"

  Hunter was tired of her talking it was time for some action. He picked Chantelle up and carried her in the house the whole time she was telling him to put her down. He carried her upstairs, and laid her on the bed, with him on top of her.


  "Hunter what are you doing?"

  "I am looking at the most beautiful woman in the world."

  "I thought that we were going to talk?"

  "I lied. We can talk later." He started kissing her, and Chantelle knew that she always gave in when he kissed her. Hunter had a way of making her think of nothing but them. Before she knew it, he had their clothes off. He was kissing and cherishing her body as he always did when they made love. He always paused and worshiped her stomach especially her piercing. That piercing turned him on. He had never made love to a woman who had a belly piercing, and whenever he saw Chantelle wearing something that showed of her stomach he just wanted to take her now. It did not matter where they were he wanted her immediately. He had moved to her shaved pussy and devoured her. He loved her essence, and he could eat her all day and make her come all night long. When she came the first time, he knew for sure that if the windows were open his neighbors would have heard her even though his neighbors were a few miles away. He did not stop with her coming one time he made her come three more times. He wanted to make sure that Chantelle knew that she was his, and that she was the only woman for him.

  Chantelle did not know that someone eating her pussy would feel this good. The man was good, and he knew it. Before she could get a hold of herself, he was kissing her. She could taste her essence on his lips and tongue. She wanted to touch him everywhere, but Hunter would not let her. He had grabbed her han
ds and held them over her head. Chantelle could feel his cock at her entrance. She was wondering what he was waiting for, and then that is when he stopped kissing her and looked at her.

  "Why did you stop Hunter?"

  He did not answer right away at first she thought that he had not heard her, but when he kissed her again this kiss was, different it was a kiss of possession. He stopped and looked at her again and this time he spoke.

  "You are mine Chantelle mine I want you to know that. I will never let you go."

  Before she could say anything, he entered her in one swift motion. He started moving fast inside her, and she was loving it.

  "Mine, mine, mine you belong to me."

  He was kissing her neck the whole time he was claiming her as his own. He had touched her g-spot and that was all it took to make her come. She came all over his cock.

  "Damn babe you feel so good."

  He pulled out to where only the head of his cock was inside of her, and then he slammed into her and started pumping her faster. He could feel the tightness in his balls. He knew that he was coming. He wanted to make it last, but when he looked down at her that was all he needed to fill her pussy with his seed. He kissed her neck again.

  "I love you."

  He started kissing her neck again until he could not come anymore. It was then that he realized that he did not use a condom. He had never made love to a woman without protection.

  Chantelle knew that she must of heard wrong he did not just tell her that he loved her. This was not suppose to happen.