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Finding Love Again Page 8

  "She must be the real thing."

  "Thanks sis and she is the real thing."

  "Could it be that my little brother is in love?"

  "Maybe I am."

  His mother wanted to get back to the subject of children. "Hunter if you are serious about her there is a chance that there will not be any children."

  "You know what mom I am fine with that. She already has a son, and we get along fine. I have gone to his soccer games and taken him to the movies. If I do not have any children with Chantelle that is fine, a child does not need my DNA in order for me to consider him mine. I would think that you would understand better than anyone."

  Hunter did not mean to bring up the subject that his mother still did not want to talk about to this day.

  "Hunter you know that I do not like to talk about this."

  "I am sorry mom. I did not mean to upset you. All I am asking is that you try to be happy for me. This is the first time in a long time I have found someone that has made me this happy."

  Lisa Jameson loved all of her children, but Hunter always held a special place in her heart. "If she really makes you that happy, the least I can do is meet this woman."

  Hunter gave his mother a hug. "Thanks mom I know that you will like her."

  "You can bring her to brunch next weekend."

  "I will ask her. Now what is there to eat I am starving."

  "Come on I am hungry myself, and where are those grandchildren of mine? While we are at the table you can tell us what cases you and Kenny are working on."

  "Lance dear he can tell us that later. I want to know how our son met this woman who has stolen his heart."

  The family went into the dining room as they did every Sunday. Lisa looked at her growing family. She had a feeling that there was going to be a couple of new editions if her son was as serious as he said he was.

  Chapter 13


  Chantelle was riding in the car with Hunter still trying to figure out how he had talked her into meeting his family. Their relationship was supposed to be strictly fun. She did not know when things had changed and she was now meeting his family. What would they think? Was she his girlfriend and a relationship serious, and are they going to get married sometime in the future. She needed to make sure that she and Hunter were on the same sheet of music. The last thing that she needed was to make his parents think that she was going to be their next daughter in-law.

  “Hey babe you are being quite over there is everything okay?”

  “We need to talk.

  "What do you want to talk about?”

  “I want to talk about this brunch that you talked me into. I want to make sure that your parents do not get the wrong impression with us.”

  “What impression is that?”

  “That there is something more going on with us. I mean we have never defined our relationship.”

  Hunter briefly took his eyes off the road and looked at Chantelle. He thought they were beyond the point of defining their relationship. Granted he had not declared his love for her, but he considered Chantelle his girlfriend. He was not dating anyone else, and neither was she. He wanted a future with her, but he also knew that if he told her that she would probably jump out the car while he was still driving. He needed to make sure that whatever he said he did not scare her. “Babe I told you that there was no reason to be nervous”

  “Who said anything about being nervous? I want to make sure that your parents are aware how our relationship is.”

  “They are aware.”

  “Do they think that our relationship is serious? That is the only reason I can think why they want to meet me.”

  Hunter did not know if he should tell her the truth or wait until she met his family. He decided to wait. She was less likely to make a scene. “Stop worrying it will be okay. Well here we are.”

  Chantelle looked at where she was. She knew that Hunter's family was rich, but she had no idea that he grew up in a mansion. “Is this where you grew up?”

  “I am afraid so."

  "This is a huge home. I do not think that I can go through with this."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that I knew that your family had money, but this is more than what I expected. There is no way that I am going to fit in here."

  Hunter started laughing, and Chantelle gave him a look as if she wanted to kill him.

  "Do not laugh at me, there is no way I am going to feel comfortable here. I just know that I am going to pick up the wrong fork, or say the wrong thing."

  "I am not laughing at you. Besides my family is not like that. They are not snobs. Just remember they put their pants on just like you do."

  "That may be the case, but they wear couture while I go to the bargain basement to get my clothes."

  "It will be fine come on."

  "No Hunter I want to go back. There is no way this is going to be okay."

  "Well I am not going back. Besides my mother is expecting us, and my mother does not tolerate anyone being late for family time."

  Before Chantelle could say anything else, the front door opened and a middle-aged man came out and spoke with a British accent. "Master Hunter will you be coming in now. You know how your mother is about being late."

  "We are coming Malcolm. "Come on Chantelle."

  Chantelle looked at the man as she was passing him and started smiling. Then she looked at Hunter. "You have got to be shitting me an English butler. Did you also have someone dress you in the morning?"

  "I can assure you that I dressed myself as a child. Come on babe I want you to meet my family.


  Chantelle thought the outside of the house was spectacular. The inside of the house looked like a house that should have been in a magazine. She was afraid to touch anything because she knew that if she damaged something she would be paying for it for the next thirty years. She was out of her element. Just when they had entered the family room, a woman and a man came out. Chantelle knew that they were Hunter's parents. When they came over, Hunter gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.

  "Hello mother." Hunter shook his dad's hand. "Hello dad."

  "How are you son?"

  "I am doing well. I do have this big case that I am working on."

  "Yes you mentioned that last week. I know that you will do fine."

  "I hope so this young man's future is in my hand."

  Chantelle thought that if she stayed still long enough no one would notice her and she could leave. Just as she was going to try to leave, Hunter bought her up next to him and started introducing her. "Mom and dad I would like for you to meet Chantelle Brown my girlfriend."

  Chantelle did not expect him to introduce her as his girlfriend. She was surprised at herself by not giving herself away at the shock. "Chantelle I would like to introduce you to Lance and Lisa Jameson my parents."

  Chantelle could tell that Lisa Jameson was scrutinizing her. She probably thinks that her son could do a lot better than her. Hunter's dad seems to be okay with her relationship with his son. Chantelle remember what her parents use to say in situations like this. 'Smile and do not let them know that they are getting to you.' Chantelle put her best smile forward. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Hunter has told me a lot about his family."

  "Well I am glad to hear that because Hunter has barely told us anything about you. We only knew about you because your picture was in the paper with Hunter."



  Lisa looked at her husband and son. "Well it is the truth."

  Mrs. Jameson what would you like to know about me."

  "You may call me Lisa."

  "Yes and call me Lance."

  "Okay Lisa what would you like to know about me?"

  "Is this thing with my son serious?"

  Hunter looked at her curious as to what her answer was going to be.

  "We really just started dating. We have agreed to take it one day at a time. Hunter is the first man I have g
one out within five years."

  "Yes Hunter mentioned to us that your husband had passed away, and that you have an eight year old son. I am sorry for your lost. I can only image having to raise a child all by myself."

  "It can be a challenge, but I manage."

  "I have to say that the pictures that are being published of you two look very serious. Our family enjoys our privacy. However, Hunter always seems to make the headlines. Not just because of his money, but the fact that he is a very good lawyer. He has had some cases that have been high profile placed and that get him in front of the media. He also is very good looking and women are like magnets to him."

  "Wait a minute mom."

  "Hunter I know that I raised you better than this. Now do I have to remind you that you do not interrupt a person while they are talking?"

  Hunter felt like a little boy all over again. His mother had certain rules and one was do not interrupt or talk over someone when they are speaking. You are to wait until they are finished.

  "Now Chantelle as I was saying my son is a magnet to woman, and when he is with a woman they are photographed whenever they are together. The headlines seem to think that you two are having a serious relationship are they wrong?"

  "As I mentioned before, Hunter and I have just started dating. I try not to make too many plans for the future. Tomorrow is not promised."

  Hunter knew that Chantelle was referring to her husband. He also knew that he was in love with Chantelle, and he was going to do everything within his power to make her his. He knew that she had strong feeling for him. It was just a matter of time before she admitted her feelings. Before any more on Chantelle's feeling for Hunter went any further, the rest of Hunter's family came into the room. Chantelle meet Hunter's sister Alexandra and her husband Aiden. Chantelle also met his brother Lee and his wife Karen. Hunter's niece and nephew were upstairs playing. Everyone was nice to her. Even his mother let go some of her animosity. Brunch was not as bad as she thought. Hunter family was down to earth. They asked about her time in the Army, and she told them as much as she could talk about. The whole time she was getting to know Hunter's family, she did notice something. Whereas his siblings and mother had blond hair and blue eyes, Hunter had black wavy hair and green eyes. His skin was also more olive than his family. Granted Lee Jameson's hair was brown and his eyes were hazel. Chantelle knew that genes could be funny. Maybe a few generations back one of his ancestors married a Spanish or Italian, and Hunter inherited those genes. She made a note to herself that she was going to ask Hunter about it.

  "So Chantelle how do you like working for my brother."

  "I do not work for your brother Alexandra my partner and I are providing a service to his firm."

  Lee Jameson started laughing.

  "Is there something funny dad?"

  "Well now that you mention it Hunter. If I remember correctly, you were against hiring a consulting firm."

  Chantelle turned to look at Hunter. She wanted to know the answer to this. "Is that true Hunter you were against us coming to your firm?"

  "At first I was against it, but after you and Aaliyah gave us your presentation I was on board." Hunter knew that should satisfy Chantelle. The last thing he wanted her to know was the only reason he was on board was because he was attractive to her, and this was the only way he could get to know her. Besides, after watching them giving their classes to his staff he has notice a difference with his employees. He will admit that having Chantelle and Aaliyah was a good decision.


  The rest of the day went better than Chantelle expected. She met his niece and nephew, Luke and Hyatt. They all agreed that Michael should meet Luke and Hyatt since they were close in age. After they left Hunter's parents house, they had decided to go to Hunter's house. That was when Chantelle decided to ask Hunter about his family. She looked at the fireplace and the pictures of his family. Funny how she did not notice the difference the first time she saw the pictures. Hunter had come up behind her and placed his arms around her waist.

  "I told you that everything was going to be okay meeting my family."

  "Yes I have to admit it went better than I expected. Well there was your mother in the beginning."

  "Oh do not pay much attention to her. That was her way of feeling you out believe me she likes you."

  "It did seem like she was beginning to get along with me. I will say this that your mother is very protective. Is she like that with your siblings?"

  "Yes and no. I think that she is more with me."

  "Is it because she is not your birth mother?"

  Hunter was shocked that Chantelle had said that. All the women he dated, none ever noticed the difference between him and his family. "Why would you think that Lisa Jameson is not my mother?"

  "Hunter I never said she was not your mother. I stated that she was not your birth mother. Now if I over stepped my bounds than I apologize, and I will never mention it again."

  Hunter knew that it was time for him to be honest with Chantelle. The only ones who knew about the circumstances surrounding his birth were his family and Kenny. If he wanted a future with Chantelle, he knew that he would have to be honest with her.

  "No babe you are not over stepping. I was just surprised because you are the first woman to notice the difference or at least mention the differences."

  "Well I have to admit I had seen the pictures of your family on the fireplace and I never paid any attention to the difference. It was not until I met everyone today that I noticed the differences."

  "Come on and sit on the sofa. You are correct Lisa Jameson did not give birth to me, but in every way that it counts she is my mother."

  "What happen?"

  "I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. My parents were happily married, and they already had two children. They had decided that they wanted to try to have another child. My mom was in first trimester of her pregnancy when my father had to go on a business trip to Italy. He was going to be gone for a couple of months, and since my mom had a difficult time with my sister when she was pregnant, the doctor had her on bed rest. Since my dad was going to be there for a while, they gave him an assistant. Her name was Fiore Bianchi."

  Chantelle noticed when he said her name he said it in the perfect Italian accent. He also said it as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.

  "Well to get to the point my father was lonely, and took advantage of his loneliness and seduced him. I know it was wrong of my father to give into the temptation, but Fiore had dollar signs and she thought that my father was going to leave my mother and marry her. Well the affair went on for about a month, and I guess my dad came to his senses and ended it. When he came back home, he thought that was the end of it. He was not going to mention the affair to my mother. Well when my mother gave birth, the baby was still born. My mother did not take the lost very well. She stayed in her room. No one knew about the lost except the immediate family. Well a couple of weeks after the loss of their child Fiore Bianchi came to my parent's house claiming to have had Lance Jameson son. At first my father tried to hide what happen, but my mother found out about it and he confessed to what he had done."

  "Was she mad at your dad?"

  "At first she was, but when Fiore said that she did not want to be saddled with a child and that if he did not want the world to know that Lance Jameson had cheated on his wife while she was pregnant he would pay her."

  "She sold you what kind of woman sells her child?"

  "A greedy bitch named Fiore Bianchi. Since the baby that was still born was a boy, my mother saw it as destiny. She told my father no matter the cost she wanted the child and to raise it as her own. My father gave into my mother and paid Fiore. My parents went to their lawyer and made it look like Lance and Lisa Jameson were my parents. They even changed my name."

  "What was your name?"

  "It was Antonio Hunter Bianchi. They changed it to Hunter Antonio Jameson because my grandparents begged them to allow me to have some of my h
eritage. They also wanted to see me. They wanted to raise me, but my mother wanted the money.

  "Did you get to see them?"

  "Every summer I spent it in Italy. At first, my mother was against it. She stayed the whole summer because she was afraid they were going to take me away. As the years passed, they learned to trust one another. I still see them every summer."

  "That is why you speak Italian?"

  "Yes my grandparents do not speak English, and they refuse to learn. I have many cousins, we grew up together, and we still get together. I ended up learning about the wine business that they owned. My grandparents were not rich, but they had a vineyard that has been in the family for several generations. They were doing well, but they were also struggling at times. It is a family business and everyone works there. When I received my trust fund, I invested some money into the business and bought it up to date to be able to compete in the industry."

  "How is it doing now?"

  "They are the number two wine makers in Italy. We have produced some great wines. When we opened up the American market and the business has really taken off."

  "How did your grandparents feel about you putting money into the business?"

  "Well it is part of my heritage so they did not mind. It was either my money or someone else buying them out. I had the money, and it has turned out to be a very good investment."

  "Do you have any say so on decisions that are made?"